Chapter 7 (Part 2)

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Ariana's P.O.V

Soon enough, everyone was looking at me staring off into space in bewilderment, trying to find out where Harry could possibly be one minute before he freaking goes on stage. Is he serious? The boys' eyes widened.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS HARRY?" Louis screamed, breaking the silence.

We all just stood there. Eyes wide, not knowing what to say to the fans.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't curse-"

"Do you seriously think I give two flying fucks about what you appreciate or what you don't appreciate?" Louis seethed, interrupting Nathan. I do agree with him though. Now wasn't exactly the right time to call off Louis for cursing. I would curse if I was in his position. I made a quick decision that I'd wished for four years that I'd never have to do.

"I'm going to find him. Try to stall the crowd as long as you can."

"No! Ariana, it's his fault for running off! You don't have to go after him for making such a stupid decision!" Nathan argued. It really ticked me off.

"Nathan, it's my decision. I'm going to go and find Harry whether you like it or not. I'm not doing this to bother you, but I'm doing this for the sake of the audience. I didn't ask for an opinion." I spat back, not caring if it came off as rude. I walked out of the building as fast as I could considering that I had heels on. I didn't care about how sparkly and obvious my outfit was. I needed to find Harry. And fast. I looked around the parking lot area trying to find a head of curls. As I was skimming through the lot, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a tall figure walking down the sidewalk rather quickly. I turned and looked at the person. Their back was facing me. I looked down at the shoes and sure enough, they were the slightly worn out brown boots. I caught up to him and pulled the hoodie down.

"Harry?" I said more like a question. Disbelief clear in my tone.

He paused for a second and turned around. He looked down at his boots. It was silent for a few seconds.

"Why did you run off right before you were going to perform?" I asked him.

He looked at anything and everything but me.

"Harry? What's wrong?"

He sighed, "I needed some air." He clearly lied.

"Bullshit. What's really going on?"

He finally looked up at me.

"Nathan just really irritates me, that's all." He responded, a little bit flustered.

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry about that, Harry. Could you at least try to put aside the rivalry between you and Nathan for your fans?" I didn't want to keep pressing on the subject. I didn't want to be nosy.

He let out a long breath but hesitantly agreed. I smiled at him and gestured at the back door.

I saw his eyes flick over to my wrist, where the bracelet was.

"C'mon." I said, interrupting whatever thoughts were swimming around in his head.

He followed me and walked inside. We -or better yet said- he was greeted by a not-so-happy Simon, and our families' worried faces. I tried to ignore the death glare that Nathan was sending Harry.

"We're going to talk about this after you get on stage and perform." Simon's voice was strict and sharp. Scary even. When Harry trudged onto the stage, Simon turned to me.

"Thank you, Ariana."

"No problem."

I plopped onto one of the backstage couches letting out a breath.

"What happened?" Gemma questioned.

"He said he got a bit more nervous than usual, that's all." I lied, going along with Harry's 'I needed some air' excuse.

Nathan's arm slithered around my waist.

"You see? He didn't need anyone to go after him, Ariana." Nathan told me in a smart-ass tone.

I ignored his comment and looked at the boys on stage. Louis and Liam were off to the side doing a dance. Zayn was messing around with Niall, and Harry was singing his solo. Harry seemed a little . . .out of it. Nevertheless, I was smiling at them, silently humming along to the song. I could feel Nathan staring at me. I looked at him. His expression looked as if I'd just summoned the devil.

"What?" I urged.

"Nothing. Why don't we go out?"

"You mean now?"

"Yeah, we could go out to a restaura-"

"No. I'm not going out in the middle of their concert."

I was disgusted by how rude he was being. He was fine before I offered to find Harry. It's like Harry flicked on a switch in Nathan that went from normal to asshole mode.

"Why not?" It sounded more like a demand.

"Because it isn't fair to them."

"They wouldn't mind."

"Really? Would you like it if I left while you were in the middle of singing your solo?"

His eyes moved over to Harry, who was singing another one of his solos in the song.

"Why does it matter if it was my solo?"

"I- nevermind." I honestly didn't know how to reply to that.

"So, we can go out?" He continued to try and persuade me, forgetting about the previous statement.

"No. If you like, you can go yourself, I'm going to be there supporting them like they supported me."

With that I moved my focus back to the guys. It was true. Each of them supported me. Harry too. Even though he didn't like Nathan, he was still there. I appreciated the fact that he didn't walk away during the performance. But I still wish he wouldn't have walked away right before he was about to go on. I was thankful. I quietly sang along with the boys during their concert, while Nathan sat beside me speechless and defeated.


I hope you liked this Chapter!💕

Please read/comment/vote 💎

Nathan was an asshole in this chapter.😤

What do you think he's thinking?😯

Love you, donuts💕🍩

Ha, I've never called you that. I hope you like it! If you don't, comment what you want me to call you readers❤️


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