Chapter 13

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Ariana's P.O.V

The night before, I actually had fun. Of course, I didn't hear the end of it from Frankie, who continued to tease me about the playful moment I had with Harry. Frankie sent me endless smirks and eyebrow wiggles afterwards, which earned him countless elbow nudges and slaps on the back of his head from me. I was more than pleased to see that the bright smile that was on Harry's face remained there for the rest of the night. It was a lovely sight, to see him smile.

It is currently five in the morning and we are boarding the private jet that will take us to our next destination. New York. I was especially excited because we would be performing at Madison Square Garden, the most famous arena in the world which has been my dream to perform on or to just simply sit on one of the seats in the audience since I was seven. Nathan told me that The Wanted would perform at Texas in three days, which coincidentally happened to be when we were going to perform there as well. Sarah is due to meet up with us there.

For five hours, I am going to be stuck in a jet with five two-year-old brains. Luckily, I have Gemma and Frankie. Our parents and Simon would be seated in a different section of the jet where the adults could talk.

I took a seat on the far corner, which was the window seat. Gemma sat on the seat beside me, and Frankie sat in front of us. The boys were all standing up and goofing around, not bothering to take the safety precautions into consideration. Niall burped and blew the stench onto Liam who scrunched his nose up and waved his hand in the air to swat away the smell. Zayn was laughing at the interaction. Harry was running from Louis cackling in laughter. Louis somehow found a flyswatter and was trying to swat Harry's butt with it yelling "Come back here you cheeky little shit!"

Gemma shook her head at them and rolled her eyes muttering, "God, I swear they're brain-dead."

Frankie was laughing at them.

"If you idiots fall on your asses when the jet takes off, I'll be laughing my ass off." I hollered at them over their commotion.

They all simultaneously looked over to me for a second before laughing and raising their hands up in surrender, taking a seat. I let out a breath and looked out the window, admiring the still-dark sky. The stars became faint as a crack of light was seen over the horizon, starting to turn the sky into a mix of blue, orange, and a tinge of pink. I couldn't resist taking a picture of the beautiful view from the small window.

I looked over to my left and saw that Gemma was already fast asleep. Soft snores escaped her parted lips and her hair was sprawled across her face. I giggled and took a picture of how she looked.

I felt drowsy myself. I put my earbuds in and before I knew it, I was fast asleep too, despite the sound of the boys bickering and joking around.


I heard a snap of a camera, just as I began to wake up from my nap. My eyelids fluttered a bit, but I pretended to go back to sleep when really, I opened my eyes the tiniest bit to see what was going on and why it was so quiet. I shouldn't have been surprised. Hovering over me with an iPhone in his hand and a mischievous grin on his face was the one and only, Harry Styles. The boys, Gemma, and Frankie were stifling giggles and covering their mouths to keep the noise from escaping. I still faked sleeping, causing Harry to assume that he was successful in capturing a video. As fast as I could, I jolted up and snatched the phone from his hand, causing him to fall back on his ass from surprise. I didn't even have time to laugh before he rose up to his feet and tried grabbing his phone from my hands, laughing. I swatted his hands away and dug my fingers into his sides, giving me enough time to grab my pillow and smack him with it. His face after being hit was hilarious since he didn't know it was coming. I snapped a picture and posted it on his twitter as fast as my small fingers could manage. The boys didn't bother in helping Harry, they were just cracking up in laughter at my defensive moves and his surprised looks. I was successful in logging into my account and tweeting the picture after putting up a fight with him by tickling his stomach with my feet. I logged off before he could delete it as well. Right when I was finished I handed him his phone back with a proud smirk.

He sent me a playful glare and logged onto his Twitter, when he saw the picture, his eyes widened. He cracked a smile when he saw the caption.


Hacked by Ariii x. This idiot. 👇😏 #ijustsmackedhimwithapillow #takethatstyles

I saw Simon walking over to us and every one else followed my gaze. He flashed us a warm smile.

"We land in five minutes." He informed us, before turning around and walking back to the others.

"Woah, I slept for the whole five hours?" I said it more like a question. Everyone nodded with light smirks and smiles on their faces.

"Well, then." I muttered more to myself than to them.

I lifted myself up to search for my suitcase in the compartment above the seats. I gently pulled it down with me and tugged lightly at the handle to lift it up. I saw Gemma gazing at the suitcase for a while too long.

"That suitcase brings back so many memories." She whispered sadly to herself. I probably wasn't meant to hear it but I did, and my heart cracked a bit. I pretended as though I didn't hear it and continued to smile brightly. The boys didn't hear it due to their intent conversation on what tea brand was better. I chuckled lightly at their seriousness to the topic. Frankie rolled his eyes at the light argument.

"New York, here we come." I said quietly to myself, not bothering to shout it out.

Before I knew it the plane landed and the excitement within me bubbled even more.


Hi guys! Sorry it took so long to update!

I can finally italicize and make letters bold AHHH!😊

When I finish with this book, I will be revising it!

This was sort of a filler chapter but I hope you liked it and that it keeps you a bit satisfied!😉

Don't forget to Read/Vote/Comment

Love you guys!💗

(Picture of Ariana that Harry took/The picture of Harry that Ariana took on the side!)

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