Hariana~ *New Years Special*

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Past- December 31st, 2009
Harry's P.O.V

New Years Eve has finally arrived and I'm actually happy to be a part of it this year. This year, I have the pleasure of saying that I have a gorgeous girlfriend to be my New Years kiss. The year before, I would just be slumped on the couches in the living room scrolling through my phone as people began to count down the final seconds until 12:00. I'd watch people eating each others faces off and swing champagne glasses in the air, stumbling from laughter and dizzying happiness-or perhaps it was the champagne.

I'm helping mum decorate for a change. Ariana threatened to push me out of bed if I didn't wake up early to help out. She still hasn't forgotten about the fact that I woke up late on Christmas. I'm helping put up banners and streamers. Gemma and Ariana were on kitchen duty, preparing the snacks and deserts. Robin was cooking the main meals and Ariana's father was helping by incorporating some of his american-style dishes. Frankie was helping his mum set up any other decorations that my mum and I hadn't put up.

So far, everything is looking good and it is almost 9:30. Still two and a half hours until 12:00. I look at Ariana through the window in the backyard that views the kitchen. She's laughing at something that Gemma said and my heart leaps. Her head is tilted back and her eyes are screwed shut. I'm grinning like mad just by looking at her. When she composes herself she looks up and sees me, a smile still resting on her face. She blows me a kiss and it pretend to catch it. This makes her giggle. I turn back to my mum who has a knowing smile on her face.

"You can go check up on the kitchen, love." Which I know is code for 'You can go check up on Ariana'.

I waste no time on going through the backyard door into the living room, making my way to the kitchen. I walk right up to her, grab her waist and kiss her. She instantly responds to this. Her hands gently go up to my cheeks. I consider lifting her up to the counter but I remember Gemma is there and I reluctantly disconnect my lips from hers. Ariana looks at me with a bewildered look on her flushed face. Her lips are a bright pink and her eyes are twinkling.

Gemma clears her throat and we look at her.

"I hate to interrupt but Ariana and I have cupcakes to bake and frost, Harry."

I smirked at my sister and turned back towards Ariana who was trying to control her breathing. She was wearing a rather sexy dress. It was tight on her petite frame and fit her just right. She was wearing her favorite black heels as well. Her red hair was down and she looked flawless. I kissed the tip of her nose and she giggled.

"It's not even twelve yet, Haz." She found her voice.

"I know but I couldn't wait that long." I told her before pressing another kiss to her lips again.

"He's just horny!" Frankie shouted from the living room.

Gemma chuckled and then stopped. She shushed us even though we weren't talking. We could faintly here the Spongebob theme song.

"Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?. ."

"Frankie you sneaky little bastard, you're supposed to help decorate!" Gemma hollered.

He groaned, "Oh, c'mon, Gemma, the Spongebob movie is coming up next. I can't miss that!"

"Turn it off!"

You could here his huff from the kitchen. He obliged though.

"Thanks, Frankie." Gemma said.

"Whatever." Frankie muttered.

Ariana smiled and I returned the gesture.


It is now 11:30 and we are all excited, waiting for the New Year. Each one of us have eaten at least three cupcakes each and are all on the couch. Ariana's head rests at the crook of my neck and my head rests on hers. I bring up her left hand to my lips and press a lingering kiss to it. I see the bracelet I got her lying on her wrist and I smile. She moves her head so that her lips are at the crook of my neck instead, and presses her own kiss to it, letting it linger like I did. My smile grows. She nudges her head a bit and it makes me giggle. I'm extremely ticklish. She starts giggling too and does an Eskimo kiss gesture to my neck and I screw my eyes shut and attempt to suppress my laughter.

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