Meet the Parents!!/ Y/n's True Origin!!/ Part 1!!

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It was A Beautiful day as the Sun was Shining, the Birds were Chirping, and the Bees were Buzzing as you were just trying to spend it the best way you can; By Sleeping!

 You were just asleep in your bed snuggled up by yourself because the girls all had their own thing to do as you slept and Rukia was In her Black and White Pajama's Making herself some Pancakes for herself and she was amazed by what she Created as she drooled at the sight of!

Rukia: "Oh My God, this is so Amazing, Nothing can Ruin this amazing Creation I had Made!"

Rukia was about to Dig into her Treat when the Door Bell rang, and she Groaned without getting any tasty Pancakey treat in her Mouth!

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Rukia was about to Dig into her Treat when the Door Bell rang, and she Groaned without getting any tasty Pancakey treat in her Mouth!

Rukia: "Uuuuuuugh! Mitsu! Momo! Can you get that for Me!? I'm A Bit Busy at the moment!"

Mitsu/Momo: "Yes Auntie Rukia!"

They then flew over to the door and Opened it and Before they can speak up A Tall Slim Woman came Barging in with A Shorter, Chubby Woman as The two little girls were confused!

They then flew over to the door and Opened it and Before they can speak up A Tall Slim Woman came Barging in with A Shorter, Chubby Woman as The two little girls were confused!

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???: "Hello, Y/n! We're so sorry for the Surprise Visit! But your Wonderful Mother here was worried about you so Much we Just had to Visit!"

The Chubby woman was Just confused as she continued dragging her!

???2: "Um... No, I wasn't. You were the One who-"

???: "Oh, Hush now! You Shouldn't worry your Adorable little face about that! You Must be Starving!"

???2: "Aww, You do Care~"

Rukia then confronts the Two Pulling out her Blade which confused the two!

Rukia: "Who are you two and why are you here?"

???: "Oh My excuse me Please! You Must be Busy being such A Big, beautiful woman and all that!"

???2: "Why did I tell you about Hitting on other Women?"

???: "Oh, My Bad! My Name is Yuki! And This is my Beautiful Wife Licoska!"

Liscoka: "H-Hello There!"

Rukia: "And Your relation to Y/n?"

Yuki: "Huh? Oh, We're his Mother's of course!"

Liscoska: "Yeah-Huh!"

Rukia: "Wait... WHAT!?"

Yuki: "Yep, So Let me guess, You're A Friend?"

Rukia: "No."

Yuki: "Maid?"

Rukia: "Nope."

Yuki: "Hmm... You can't be... Unless you are... GASP! Are you His Girlfriend?"

Rukia: "I guess you can say that."

Yuki then Squealed as she Hugged Rukia and wouldn't let go!

Yuki: "Of course You are!! I mean Our boy would Always Pick A Girl like you!! All Big and Full of Life!!"

Rukia: "Yeah, Thank you. Now if you can excuse me I need to get back to my-"

She then Turned back to her Loveley Breakfast and saw that Licoska already ate it all!

Licoska: "Can I please have Seconds?"

Rukia Tried to contain her Anger as she Marched up to your Room and Knocked the door down as she began to Drag you out of Bed to downstairs!

Y/n: "R-Rukia!? What the Hell!? I was Sleeping!"

Rukia: "I think there are some People you Need to see."

Y/n: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Rukia: "You'll see."

She then you to your moms and you Saw Them Playing with Mitsu and Momo!

Y/n: "Huh? Mom!! Momma!!"

You then ran over and Huggesd them both in which they Hugged back!

Y/n: "Oh My God I missed you two so Much! What are you doing here?"

Yuki: "Oh, Well We Decided to visit you becuase we miss our Baby Boy!"

She then Began to Pinch your cheeks making girls giggle and you embarssed!

Y/n: "Moooooom! Not in front of People I knows..."

Licoska then Hugged you from behind and Began Nomming your hair!

Y/n: "Momma? Are you Hungry Again?"

Licoska: "What Made you say that?"

Y/n: "Don't worry Momma I'll make you A Huge Meal!"

Yuki: "I'll help too!"


Rukia: "Welp, This is something I can get behind. I'll tell the Others."

To Be Continued...

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