A Woman and Her Dragon Maid!!

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It was After school and You were Just walking home and let the other girls go ahead because you had to finish something Up but now you were walking home Alone because you haven't had much better to do and the girls had already gone Ahead and you!

You continued Walking until your Phone Began emitting A Familiar Ringtone!

Y/n: "Of course I knew I picked out the Perfect Ringtone! Hello, you Got Y/n Is that You Koba?"

Kobayashi was A Family Friend of yours who you knew since forever and she was A Short, Flat-chested, Middle-aged woman who had no interest in Romance and An Incredibly dry personality but still somehow looked super Young despite her age, and Can be quite fun when Drunk though she has A Tendency to rip her Maids clothes off when Drunk!

Kobayashi: "Ugh... Hey, Y/n... Oh My God, I feel like I'm gonna Puke..."

Y/n: "Did you Get Drunk again Last night?"

Kobayashi: "Hic! No... Tohru basically Force fed me last night... Ugh... I swear that Dragon is gonna kill me..."

You then heard some Muttering in the Background and Koba basically talked to whoever was at the other side of the Phone for A Few Moments when she picks back up!

Kobayashi: "Okay, I'll just get to the Point Here Y/n. You see Tohru keeps thinking with all of your new Housemates You might need A Maid, and Your Mansion is Much Closer to my Work, and Kanna wants to see her Uncle Y/n Sooooo..."

Y/n: "You wanna Move in right?"

Kobayashi: "Yes! Of course! Huh... Yes, Tohru... We'll confess now be quiet..."

Y/n: "What?"

Kobayashi: "OH, N-NOTHING. See you in Two Hours!!"


Y/n: "Yeah, they're definitely into me."

2 Hours Later...

Y/n: "Alright! Finally, the Place is clean! Great Job for helping you two!"

Mitsu: "Actually Mom Volunteered Us."

Momo: "I don't get why if We have A Maid we still have to Clean?"

Y/n: "I don't want anyone thinking we're Pigs."

Mitsu: "We kinda are in A Spiritual Since."

Momo: "Totally."

Y/n: "Okay, do you not want some Cake tonight if you keep this up, Then You won't' get any!"

Mitsu and Momo then got on their knees begging!

Momo/Mitsu: "We're sorry! We're sorry! We're sorry!"

Y/n: "Thank you. I'm glad you Understand."


Y/n: "Yes, They're Here! Now You two Straighten Up, Don't fight each other, and Please BEHAVE!"

Mitsu/Momo: "Right Dad!"

Y/n: "That's My Girls."

You then Opened the door to A Tired and Annoyed Kobayashi who had to Tohru carrying her there and it's not Exactly Pleasent to be Taken Across A City by A Huge Dragon while it constantly tried to cuddle you!

You then Opened the door to A Tired and Annoyed Kobayashi who had to Tohru carrying her there and it's not Exactly Pleasent to be Taken Across A City by A Huge Dragon while it constantly tried to cuddle you!

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Y/n: "Koba!!"

Kobayashi: "Huff... Hey,... Puff... Y/n..."

Y/n: "Is it Tohru again?"

Kobayashi: "Yeah... She's as Clingy as ever, Always wanting to cook for me and Take care of me making me do the least work Possible... I hate to be Crass But... My Rack is Far Bigger than ever before... And I might be enjoying it..."

You then Hugged her and she Began Blushing as you buried her head into her chest and the short Woman was trying to comprehend what was Happening in her Brain!

Y/n: "Mmm... And You're really Soft too. Like A Huge Cloud of Marshmallow's."

Kobayashi: "Eh... T-Thanks..." 

Y/n: "So Where's Tohru and Kanna? Their not that Far Behind."

Tohru: "Taa-Daa... I'm here! Thankfully... Dragon Strength... Allowed me... To actually walk... much Farther distances..."

Kanna: "Faster Tohru. Faster."

Tohru: "Sorry Kanna... I'm A Bit... Tired right now..."

Y/n: "Huh

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Y/n: "Huh. I'm surprised Her Clothes still fit."

Kobayashi: "I think she said It's her Scales..."

Y/n: "Oh That Makes sense."

Kanna then got off of Tohru's Tail and ran over hugging you and rubbing her Cute AF Face into your soft Belly!

Kanna: "Hello, Daddy."

Y/n: "H-Hello, Kanna..."  'OMFG SHE'S SO GODDAMNIT CUTE!!!'

Tohru then Began Hugging Kobayashi from Behind as she Turned bright pink and Began barking at The Dragon!

Kobayshi: "Tohru!? What are you doing!?"

Tohru: "I'm Tired and Your so Soft Miss Kobayashi... So Soft..."

Kobayashi: "Yeah, because of your cooking!"

Tohru: "It was Worth it Though!"

Tohru wouldn't let go of Kobayashi as she kept trying to use her Pudgy Hands to Push her off but it was Having no effect and you smirked having A Good idea in your mind!

You took the Oppurnuity and Kissed them both the Lips and it took the Both of them several Moments to Process this until...

Kobayashi: "D-Did you Just-?"


Kobayashi: "Not Happening Tohru. How did you figure it out?"

Y/n: "You said it over the Phone."

Kobayashi then Immeaditly Facepalms as Tohru began getting A Tight grip on you and Began smothering you with her immense chest and Began Kissing you all Over, Before she Makes Kobayashi do the same Thing!

Momo: "Awww, How Romantic!"

Mitsu: "Yeah!"

Kanna: "Your All A Buncha Perverts. I'm going to see the Others. Bye."

She then walks off In the Most Kuudere way Possible! My God she is Adorable!!

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