The Gluttonous Sea Dragon Girl!!

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After Tohru, Kobayashi, and Kanna had Moved in Tohru with no Mess to Clean decided to make A Huge Meal and in A Move that reminds you of Your Momma Yuki, she Began's stuffing the both of you until you felt sick and she Began Hugging you two and Promised to take care of you while rubbing your Bellies!

You had Quickly Taken Note of why Kobayashi got so Big so Fast. Tohru was Clearly A Feeder, and Some of those Habits clear rubbed off herself!

Kobayashi of course had to return to work the next day and she discovered that her Usual Work clothes (A Pair of Slacks, A White Buttoned up shirt, and A Yellow Tie) were About ready to tear at the seams from Tohru's constant attention to her Waistline, with her Buttons and Belt ready to Pop at any moment but she had no choice and left for work!

This leads to now!

Meanwhile at Kobayashi's work...

The Short, Red-Haired Woman was Squeezed into her Cubical But just barely and she sighed as she thought she needed to Make Tohru stop this Habit! It was hard to see anything with her Belly and Boobs Blocking most of it so she got up and Saw That A Fellow Coworker and Friend was already on her 2nd Breakfast!

This is Kobayashi's coworker, Personal Friend of yours, Water Dragon, and Tohru's Personal Rival Elma who was widely known for her Gluttonus behavior with her Favorite food obviously being Donuts! She was as Bigger as Tohru if not Bigger and She was Currently Flustered with dealing with the same Ordeal Kobayashi Had with her View Being Blocked while she is Munching on A Fish-shaped cookie!

This is Kobayashi's coworker, Personal Friend of yours, Water Dragon, and Tohru's Personal Rival Elma who was widely known for her Gluttonus behavior with her Favorite food obviously being Donuts! She was as Bigger as Tohru if not Bigger and She w...

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Kobayashi: "Hey, Elma having some Trouble too?"

Elma: "Yeah, Ever since I started competing with Tohru I had gotten so Big I can Akined more to A Whale... Wait, Did you get Bigger in the Past Weekend? I swear your clothes were not nearly this tight when We were in Last Friday."

Kobayashi then Blushed bright pink while rubbing the back of her Neck!

Kobayashi: "Well Um... Let's Just say Ever since we Moved into A Place that just came crammed with food, Tohru wanted to keep feeding me Nonstop. I get she's A Sweet and Caring girl but She can take Love too Far..."

Elma: 'That damn dirty Sky dragon Wench! First I had to starve for centuries because she blew up my Temple and Now she would rather help feed this Mortal than get me back my temple!? I know the times had completely changed BUT It's the Damn Point that Matters Damnit!'

Kobayashi: "Something wrong Elma?"

Elma: "Uh-Uh N-Nothing! Look can I ask you A Super important Favor, Kobayashi? Pleeeeeeaaaaasssseeee?"

Kobayashi: "Sure, But after my Breakfast... I wasn't able to eat it all before I got here."

She then began digging in and It was super delicious!


Kobayashi: "Hmm? Elma do you hear Tha-"


Kobayashi: "KYYYYYYYYYAH!!"

Kobayashi's Shirt Button's and Belt Snapped, as then her Swivel chair gave out and she fell to the ground with A Loud thud!

Elma: "Oh my God are you okay!?"

Kobayashi: "You know Instead of Just asking me you could... Oh, I don't Know... HELP ME UP!"

Later that Day!

Tohru was once again Cooking because as she says she's the maid and it's her duty to do so but you always made sure not to hear Tail meat since that shit is Venomous! You heard the door Open and Kanna, Mitsu, and Momo all Tackled Kobayashi and she hugged back as she blushed and smiled!

Kobayashi: "Hey, Guys. I think I had brought back A New Girlfriend For Y/n."

Elma: "Hey everyone!"

Y/n: "Oh Hey Elma! I guess it's you then."

Elma then giggled before giving you A Sloppy kiss to the Lips!

Elma: "Hehehe, Yep!"

Just then they heard the sound of pots and pans crashing in the kitchen and Tohru came speeding getting into Elma's face with glowing red eyes!

Tohru: "How dare you do this to me, Elma!? If you Dare take my Prince!?"

Elma then sticks her tongue out at her And everyone had to try and hold her back from Killing the Water Dragon!

Tohru: "Look, I'm fine with Sharing my Prince with you for now but Goddamn if you dare touch my Beloved goddess Miss Kobayashi then you will know True hell!!"

Elma: "Heh, I'm Just Here for my Love~ Don't push m Buttons and we'll be good."

Tohru then had to physically held back again which was hard considering her Enraged Dragonic Power and Elma was being A Freaking Smartass just Toying with the Chaos Dragon! 

Let's Just say things will not get easier from here!

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