Chapter 1

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I run in through the front doors. Sprinting to try and make it in time.

"Papi! Papi!" I scream over and over. I get no response as I run up the stairs and into his bedroom. My heart is racing. I can't think straight. "Papi?" I quickly look around. Not here. Next, I run into his office, "Papi?"

I see three men standing there with my dad.


I wake up sweaty and panting. Just a dream. It was just a dream. I repeat to myself over and over until I have fully calmed down. I wait until I stop shaking and my breaths even out. I somehow always manage to wake up at that part. I shake my head to get the images out of my head. I get my training stuff on and head downstairs.

I skip breakfast worried I will just throw it back up after my nightmare. As I enter the training room my assistant walks next to me.

"Ma'am you have the ball that starts at five later today. You also have to pick up the dress at twelve. Other than that you are free." Holly looks up from her Ipad at me when she finishes giving me my schedule.

"Thank you, Holly." I give her a warm smile, "Could you have one of the men pick up my dress? Also, stop calling me ma'am. I have told you multiple times to just call me Nicole."

"Of course." Holly murmurs the next part, probably not meaning for me to hear, "I'll make Dirty Dan pick up the dress."

I snort a little. Holly looks up with her eyes wide, "Oh! I didn't mean for you to hear that," she says ashamed.

"It's fine. I have to agree with you about him though. He could really use a bath." Holly giggles and walks away.

I begin training. I focus on arms and core today. I no longer have anyone to spar with, considering my dad was killed for sending me into the Lombardis home almost four years ago and my younger brother is too young to have any part in the mafia.

I get lost in the workout. Thinking about my past and everything that has happened, everything that is going to happen. It gives me a drive, a reason to get better.

Starting in one week, on my eighteenth birthday, I will officially run the mafia. I have the ball tonight where I will make allies, or try to. If no one wants to be my ally then I will make sure they won't want to be my enemy.


I skip lunch to get ready for the ball. I straighten my long black hair and do my makeup. By the time I am done Dan has arrived with my dress.

I open the door for him, "Here you go ma'am."

"Thank you!" I smile and quickly close the door. The stench of him being too much to handle. My face scrunches in disgust.

When I turn around Holly is standing there trying her best to contain her laugh. We make eye contact and both burst out laughing.

Holly ends up helping me get my dress on. I stand in front of the mirror as we both stare at me.

"Holy moly, you are hot!" Holly exclaims.

I don't respond I just stare at myself as Holly quietly leaves the room. The dress is black, the bottom part of it is loose-fitting, the top part is more form-fitting. There is a slit on one leg where I have my knife and gun in my thigh holster. I quickly head downstairs to leave so that I arrive at the perfect time.


I get to the ball around an hour late. Everyone else is already inside and I am the last to arrive, just how I planned it to be. I gather myself, preparing for a room full of stuck-up men who are full of themselves and walk in confidently.

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