Chapter 16

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It took until dinner for me to finally be able to keep a bite of food down. Koa stayed with me all day running me back and forth between the kitchen and the bathroom. Eventually, we were both too tired from it and decided to go to bed early.

The next day I wake up to Jake bursting into my room.

"Stop, she's sleeping-" Koa looks at me, "Sorry I tried to stop him."

Jake sprints over to me, "You fucking bitch! You scared me! And this fucking nut job said I couldn't come to see you. I think you should fire him."

I laugh a little, "I'm so-"

"Don't say that," Jake cuts me off. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

"He was just trying to help. And he is my second in command now," I smile at the two of them in front of me.

"Do you really trust him?" Jake asks me losing all humor in his voice.

"With my life," I assure him.

"Okay, well if you trust him, I will trust him," Jake reluctantly says.

"Distance yourself from her. You don't need to be that close," Koa is glaring at Jake. His arms crossed over his chest making his arms look even more buff than they already are.

Jake rolls his eyes but stands up and takes a step away.

"So what's the plan?" Jake eagerly asks.

"The plan is, you two leave the room while I get dressed. I will meet you downstairs to discuss details of how we will take down Roberto," I shoo them both out of my room.

Koa stays a moment longer, "Are you sure you don't need help?"

"I don't need help. Thank you though," I smile at him. I blush thinking of how territorial he just got, making Jake move away from me.

When Koa leaves I pick out an outfit. It happens to be Koa's shirt and a pair of shorts. His shirt smells like him. I smile every time I smell it. Every time I see him I think that one star gets a little brighter.

I walk downstairs and watch as Koa's eyes meet mine before they flicker to my shirt. A small smile tugs at his lips but he quickly hides it.

I sit down on the couch next to him and across from Jake.

"So, here's the plan," I begin to explain to them the plan I made up in the five minutes I spent changing.

We spend the next hour going over every detail, changing things, and doing research. We all sit and talk for hours until we have every step and every detail of the plan solidified.

"Well let's start with the first step then," Jake says excitedly.

"Let's go get my new mafia," I smirk.


We ask Roberto for a civilized meeting. He comes to our home and sits in a business room with us to talk. I sit at the end of the table with Jake and Koa on either side of me. Both boys looking intimidating. I have the papers sitting in front of me waiting to be shown to Roberto. I take a deep breath right as he walks in.

His steps are loud and over exaggerated. He stomps over to his seat and plots down. Roberto crosses his arms over his chest and pouts like a baby.

"What is this meeting about?" he scoffs as he looks at us.

"I am glad you can follow my orders considering I am now your boss," I slide the papers over to him as proof, "And here are the divorce papers too." I smile at him innocently.

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