Chapter 6

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My arm throbs in pain. So much pain I feel tears sting my eyes. How long has it been since I last cried? A month? Two?

I open my eyes to find myself in the cells of my basement. Locked in my own house. Luckily I installed a secret key only I can get to in the cell. Every cell.

I try to move towards the wall but my arm is in so much pain I have to stop. I lay on my back and stare up at the ceiling. I could text Thyra and Asura...


When I wake up there is a plate of toast in front of me. I am also now leaning against the wall. I try to reach for the toast but my body hurts too much. I can't move my right arm and I feel dizzy from the slightest movements.

I hear the door open and pretend to be asleep again.

"I'm not dumb. I saw you awake," Koa says.

I moan in pain as I open my eyes again, "Go away."

"Shut up. I am here to feed you," Koa sounds just as enthusiastic as I am.

I don't say anything else. I just open my mouth and wait for him to feed me the toast. I feel myself losing all my dignity right here in this moment but as my stomach grumbles, I decide the food is worth it. If I want a chance to get out of here I need to move.

I am half asleep as Koa feeds me. I hear him murmuring to himself though, "I am going to agree to the alliance. I will have him meet with my brother soon. Once we get the alliance I will...uh I will cut a deal to get you. Hang in there until then."

I am not sure if I am hallucinating or not but in case I am not I speak up, "Don't."

"No. I am going to. He can't fucking hurt you. Only I get to hurt you. He can't fucking kill you. I will be the one to kill you. I will get you back from him and kill that son of a bitch for touching you," Koa angrily says to me. Not angry at me though. Angry at Roberto.

"It's...a...trap," I get out right before I lose consciousness again.


"I love you, Bambi. I love you so much and just know no matter what happens I am so proud of you. I am so sorry. I am so sorry I couldn't save you from what your future now is. I tried Bambi. I promise I tried so hard," tears spill down my fathers face as he chokes on his words.

"It's my fault. It's all my fault," realization washes over me. I look back up at my father with tears of my own pouring down my face, "I love you, Papà. I promise I will make you proud. I promise I will make up for this. I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

"No, Bambi, no. It's not your fault. It's my fault. You were to young, to inexperienced. I should have done better, should have protected you better," the man pointing a gun at my father clicks the safety off, "Make me proud, Bambi. I know you will."


I wake up screaming. My throat eventually becoming raw. Tears spill down my face as I recall my dream. My last words to my father. I haven't made him proud. I have failed him. I sob, my whole body shaking. I feel whatever bit I had left of me crumble. I scream and shake and punch the ground. I run my hands through my hair and drag my nails down my arms, legs, and face. I punch my bullet wound and cry out in pain.

Eventually, I become so exhausted that I just lay there staring at nothing. I feel gross in my own skin. I feel gross thinking of how I couldn't make my own father proud. I feel completely disgusted with myself that I got my own father killed.

My tears have long since dried. My heads pounds from dehydration, crying, and probably blood loss too. I decide once I get out here I will finally tell my father how sorry I am. I will go talk to him and tell him how I should've done better. I will tell him how much I love him and how it's all my fault. I'll tell him I have never showed up late for training since then.

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