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I wake up at dawn for training. I put on my regular training clothes and french braid my hair. My father is downstairs already waiting for me to begin as I am running behind. I run down the steps and as I pass the kitchen I snag a piece of toast our cooks have out.

I quickly finish my food before entering the training room. My father stands in the middle, checking his watch.

"Barely on time. You're lucky today." He looks up from his watch.

"Sorry, had to grab something to eat before training starts." I give him a little smile.

"The Black Ghost isn't late." He cuts me a sharp look before continuing, "Well, I have a mission for you today," I internally sigh. "It's a week-long spying trip," he says as if I am going on vacation.

"Where am I going? And what information do you need from them?" I begin to walk closer to him.

"You're going to the Lombardis. You will be a servant or maid for them. I need you to learn everything you can about them, their plans, their bases, and anything else."

My eyes go wide, "Why? Do you think they plan on attacking us?"

"No, but we plan on attacking them," he says simply, even though attacking could very well start a long and gruesome war.

"Don't I look a little young to be a maid or servant?" I am only fourteen. Most maids and servants are at least eighteen I believe.

"Yes, your story is that you were kicked out and need a job and a home to stay in."

My father continues to give me all the details of my mission. He already packed me a suitcase with everything I will need, including a uniform.

"Come home safe, Bambi," father hugs me goodbye before I leave.


I arrive at the Lombardis house later that day. I walked right up to the front door and knocked. Not a second later someone opened the door.

"Uh, dad?" the boy yelled into the house while looking at me confused.

Before his father could answer another boy, who looked slightly older came into the door frame, "Stop, stop. We will keep this one for ourselves." He eyes me, looking at me from head to toe, his eyes lingering in certain places.

"Never mind, Dad!" the first yells into the house again hesitantly looking between me and the boy who must be his brother.

"My name is Josh, and this is my brother Koa. We will take great care of you." The older boy, Josh, says while giving me a smile that says otherwise.

"Okay. My name is Melody." I say shyly, playing my part.

"Come on in. I'll show you to your room."

The younger boy, Koa, looks hesitant to do what his brother says, but listens anyway. I follow them inside where they lead me to my room.


I didn't come home after a week. Not even after two. I'm not exactly sure how much time went by before Koa figured out who I was and kicked me out. I didn't want to stay those extras weeks but Josh wouldn't let me leave. I tried to multiple times but every time Josh or Koa stopped me and beat me.


(548 words)

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