Chapter 2

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I put on the outfit that is required of me. I had Holly take it somewhere to have some slight alterations made for it because I am nowhere near as bulky or muscular as the men who have worn it in the past. One of those men being my father. The clothes still vaguely smell of him. The scent isn't strong but it is enough to bring tears to my eyes. My father should be here with me, walking me to the base. He should be the one to officially give me my position. I shake my head and release my hands that were balled up in fists.

Just as I am finishing up I hear a knock at my bedroom door, "Come in."

"Asura and his men are in place. I will take my position once you are safely in the base," Thyra reports to me.

"Thank you, Thyra."

Thyra did exactly that. As soon as I am through the door she is instantly in her position, watching from above. The big open room is full of men, and a few women, who are all staring at me, gawking at me. I wonder how many of these people knew I am a girl before I walked out. I wonder how many men and women, in my father's own mafia, he trusted with the secret of his child identity.

I walk confidently right up to Asura who is standing in the middle of everyone. I can feel their eyes pinned on me, waiting for me to mess up. As soon as I am in front of Asura he begins, "Nicole Black," he bellows so everyone can hear him, "Daughter of Mr. Black." And so Asura gives me the initiation speech. A long talk mostly explaining my duties as the mafia leader. At the end of the speech, he asks me if I will fulfill my requirements and protect the mafia at all costs.

"I will," A promise that echoes through the entire base.

Quiet murmurs that turn into cheering erupt from all around me. I am not sure if it's the noise or my own heartbeat I feel in my chest. Asura gives me a reassuring nod as he falls into the crowd. For a good hour, I meet my men and women that I now lead. The men and women of this mafia that I now own.


I meet Asura and Thyra in my new meeting room after the initiation that was more like a party than anything. Instead of celebrating with my dad, I am in a meeting with my second and third trying to figure out who wants me dead.

"Were there any rumors of a rebellion? Anybody that wants to kill me?" I ask Asura.

"I got a couple of reports from my men saying that there is a small group that wants you dead. They don't think a woman can run a mafia," Asura confirms my worry.

"Figure out who is leading their group, infiltrate it, and get back to me with details of their plan. We will decide from there." Asura nods, "Thyra, any threats you saw from above?"

"No, a few upset faces. A couple of men left early. We tracked them down and got their names. Although many of the women in the mafia have voiced that they wish to be your second or that they can't wait to work for you. Your biggest allies will be with them," Thyra finishes.

"Thank you. Track the men that left early and make sure they don't give out any information. Now are either of you good at politics?" Thyra and Asura look at each other with an almost identical look before they look back at me and shake their heads no.

Holly steps forward, "I took politics and business when I was in college. I aced both classes. I could always help with that."

I hide my surprise, not wanting Holly to take it as an insult. "Perfect. When the time comes I will ask for your help. For now, this will be my council of sorts," I say more to myself than to them. I stare at the paperwork in front of me. A lot of information to read over.

"Happy birthday, Nicole," Thyra says as she smiles at me.

"We got you something," Asura murmurs quietly as Holly grabs a box wrapped in paper that says 'Happy Birthday' on it.

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