Chapter 18

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We stayed like that all day until I heard Koas stomach grumble.

"Koa you need to eat."

"I don't want to leave you," he whines.

"Then I will come with you," I offer.

"I don't want to eat in front of you though," Koa shyly says.

"It's okay. I don't mind," I begin to move him off of me and stand up. I go to put shorts on considering I am only wearing Koas shirt and underwear.

Koa grabs my hips and throws me over his shoulder, "Nope. I like what you are wearing right now just fine. You can take the shirt off too if you want."

I smack his ass that is right in front of me. I hear him chuckle.

He finally sets me down when we are in the kitchen. I watch him grab his food and decide that I want to try to eat too. I don't want Koa to have to worry about me.

I start searching through the cabinets and the fridge for something to eat. I come up empty and cross my arms over my chest upset.

"There's ice cream in the freezer," Koa tells me as he eats his soup.

"Really?" I grab the tub of ice cream and begin to eat it. All of it.


"There is a ball tomorrow," Koa tells me as we get ready to go to bed again. Even though all we did was stay in bed all day.

"I don't have a dress."

"I think you forgot about the twenty dresses your bought with Robertos money," Koa cuts me a look.

"None of those I can wear to a ball though," I complain to him from in bed as he is in the bathroom washing his face.

Koa glares at me, "I know for a fact that you at least three ball gowns."

"Fine but they are all ugly."


I have to admit my dress isn't actually ugly. It's quite stunning. It's a deep blue color just like Koas eyes. The top of it is fitted to my chest and is covered in a floral lace. The bottom half flows outwards beautifully. The floral from the top disperses and fades away. I adjust the straps on my shoulders as my final touches.

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm a lot skinnier than I used to be. My face looks hollow. The bags under my eyes are gone now but I still see the ghost of them. My dark hair is flowing over my shoulders and down my back. My makeup looks great but I still feel ugly.

Just as I finish my thought Koa walks in. His jaw drops at the sight of me. I watch as he scans my entire body not missing an inch. He then has to adjust himself. I blush and look away. I don't look that good.

Koa stalks over to me, "You look beautiful. It's taking a lot of self control not to take that dress off and fuck you though." My breath hitches at the thought. I hear Koa chuckle, "You would like that wouldn't you?" he whispers in my ear, "Getting fucked so hard you can't see straight."

My eyes widen and I turn to look at Koa. I haven't see this side of him but I am not complaining. Our faces are so close that our breaths mix together. If one of us leans in just an inch we would kiss. I watch his eyes flicker from my lips to eyes.

I turn away, "Well even if I would we have a ball to get to. You look great too by the way."

His black tux fits him perfectly. His muscles showing through and the ends of the snakes showing on his wrists. And I can see his bulge sticking out a little.

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