Chapter 22

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I feel guilty. I know it for sure this time. I cling to Koa any time I can. I want him to know I am here. He is probably annoyed with me by now.

At the moment he is making dinner while I have my arms wrapped around his waist.

"Darling, I can't cook with you squishing me," Koa pauses his cooking to tell me.

"Oh, sorry," I quickly let go and sit down at the island.

I watch as Koa finishes cooking. When he turns around with the food he sets them on the island and walks over to me.

"Darling, why have you been so clingy today? Don't get me wrong it's adorable and I love you but this is a lot more clingy than usual," Koa asks as he stands in front of me in between my legs.

"I just want to make sure you know I am here," I smile sweetly at him.

"Don't lie."

My smile drops. I look down, "I just-"

Koa tips my chin up so I am looking at him, "Look at me when you are speaking to me."

My stomach flutters, "I just feel bad about last night. I want to make up for it."

"Darling, don't feel bad. It's not your fault. I love you so much. You don't need to be extra clingy to make up for it. You don't need to make up for it at all," Koa hugs me, tucking my head into his chest.

"I love you, too."

"Now that that's settled, we have a club to go to after dinner," Koa smirks at me.

"A club?" I question him.

"We need to plant a bomb," Koa smile grows.


I walk in to the bar in a very revealing outfit. I have a very short, black skirt on with a cropped tank top. Gold jewelry decorated my neck, fingers, and ears. My heels click on the ground as I walk in, flicking my long hair over my shoulder.

All the men gawk and whistle at me. I shoot them a wink and begin dancing with everyone else. Soon enough I feel someone's hand touch my back.

"Excuse me," a deep voice says from behind me.

"Yes?" I turn and face the owner of the bar.

"Nicole you need to leave. We are in the middle of war. You either leave now or I will kill you," the man glares down at me.

I give a small pouty face. "What if I did something for you? So I can stay?" I whisper in his ear with hands placed on his chest.

"That can be arranged," he smirks at me.

I run my hands down his chest completely disgusted by my own actions. I begin dancing with him. His hands stay on my waist and I wrap my around his neck. Every inch where our bodies touch feels gross. I want to rip myself away from him but I can't yet. Not until Koa gets out of here.

I take a small glance to the right and see Koa glaring at me while walking in undetected. I quickly look back at the man in front of me and realize he is getting bored. I turn around and begin grinding on him. I feel bile rising in the back of my throat when he groans. He grabs my hips and pulls me closer to him. I can feel his hard dick being pressed against my ass.

I hear a glass smash on the ground and know that's my cue to leave. I stand up straight, wink at the man, and walk out of the bar.

Once the doors close behind me I throw up. I vomit all over the ground. Koa stands there glaring at me.

"I hated that," he growls.

"Not as much as I did," I say as I walk over to him.

Koa wraps me in his arms holding me close. "You smell like him."

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