Chapter 8

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Koas house is the size of a castle. There are three floors and so many rooms and hidden passageways it will take weeks to map out by myself. I try my best to scan every hallway, room, and window for escape routes and to get my baring but there is too much. Koa is leading me somewhere but I am not sure where.

"Okay," he finally says as we stand in front of a door, "This will be your room. You can't leave it. I will bring you meals. When your stuff arrives I will bring it to you."

I ignore him and walk into the room. There is a king-size bed against the far wall, a vanity, and dressers to my right. To my left is the door to the bathroom and the closet. There is also a desk in the corner.

"If you need or want anything let me know. No promises I'll get you it though."

I slam the door in his face. I quickly re-open it, "Koa!"

He turns around surprised and annoyed, "What?"

"Did you agree to an alliance with Roberto?" My words rush out of my mouth.

"I am about to have the meeting where Josh will sign the papers why?" Koa looks totally confused.

"You can't do that. You can't agree," I walk over to him.

"Why not? Because it's bad for your mafia? Because then we will be allies, not enemies?" Koa looks at me with annoyance clear on his face.

I shake my head vigorously, "No because then he will kill you and Josh. Then he will kill me."

Koa searches my face for the lie, "Why would you say that?"

I drag him into my room and we both sit down. I explain to him everything I found in Roberto's office. By the time I have explained everything I am yawning and ready for bed.

"That's how you got shot. You got caught when you were in his office," Koa laughs, "Told you you aren't as good as The Black Ghost."

"Oh shut up you cocky bastard," I stick my tongue out at him.

"Careful with that mouth of yours, I might have to teach you what to do with it," Koa gives me a cocky grin.


Koa rolls his eyes at me, "So what's your plan?"

"Who said I have a plan?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"You always have a plan," Koa deadpans.

"Who said my plan involves you?"

Koa rolls his eyes, "Stop acting like a child. This is serious."

"Fine, it starts with you not agreeing to the alliance yet," I continue to explain my entire plan to him. Not every detail, I need to have some surprises.

"There is barely a chance that will work. That can't be your entire plan," Koa looks at me like I am crazy. I probably am.

"Yeah well, I need to keep some details to myself. I can't have you worrying your pretty little face over me. You would get wrinkles and wrinkles are ugly," I point my finger at his face and make circles in the air.

"Did you just call me pretty?" one of his eyebrows raises.

"Yeah. Pretty fucking stupid," I feel my cheeks burn as I cover my mistake. It's not my fault he is gorgeous. Perfect jawline, perfect hair, perfect eyes, perfect body! I wish I could be as perfect as him. His sister is probably beautiful.

"Your such a child," Koa rolls his eyes again.

I roll my eyes back at him, "At least I know when someone is going to kill me."

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