Chapter 5

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I sneak out later that night. I sneak out of my own god damn house. I laugh to myself at what my life has become. I walk the dark streets all the way to Roberto's base.

I wait and watch for thirty minutes as men walk in and out of the front door. I watch the windows and see lights flicker on and off. I walk over to the building and climb up to the third story. I use the pipes on the side of the building to get up there before grabbing onto the window ledge and pulling myself up. I quietly open the window and slide in.

I pull my hood up and walk through the halls looking for Roberto's office. I, fortunately, find it very quickly. It was two hallways down from where I came in. I count my steps and turns as turn down each hall.

I silently slip into Roberto's office without anyone noticing or hearing. I turn on the lights and begin searching around. I search through all his papers. Most of them are business deals and other boring things. I grab a small stack of papers and shove them up my shirt. I continue looking until I find a letter. I unfold and read it.

I smile at the paper knowing I found something more valuable than I thought I would. I quickly rummage through what drawers I have left and then leave, making sure everything is in the same spot as when I walked in.

As I am heading out a man sees me, "Hey! What are you doing?"

"Grabbing a paper for the boss," I respond in the manliest voice I can manage.

"Boss doesn't let anyone back here-" I begin sprinting away before he can finish talking. I count the hallways and doors until I get to the room I came in. I open the door to see seven men sitting around a table. I don't bother stopping, I run right by them and climb out the window to the pipes. I begin to shimmy down until I am on the second floor. I jump down the rest of the way.

I land feet first but roll into my back before getting up. My knees ache from the impact of the landing and my right ankle threatens to break with every step. I don't stop running though. I sprint until I cannot see them chasing me. I turn into an ally and wait. I wait for my knees to stop hurting and my ankle to get a little rest.

I hear multiple men walk by until one turns into the ally I am in. I curse under my breath. I feel around for my gun but it's not there. I just have dropped it when I jumped. I grab my knife and wait until the man is closer.

"Found you," he says with his gun pointed at me.

I jump up and stab him in the throat with my knife. Not before he was able to shoot me in the arm. I suddenly become dizzy from the pain and feel as though I will pass out.

I quickly begin to walk back to my house. I stumble down the streets looking like a drunk on their way home. No one looks twice at me. No one notices the blood spilling down my arm.

My eyes go black but I am still conscious. I know the rest of the way home by heart. I walk until I am sure I am in front of my window. I blink a couple of times begging my vision to come back.

Surely enough it does. A wave of nausea comes with it. I climb in my already opened window. I fall to the ground and look up to see Koa standing there.

"Where the hell we're you?" Koa quietly hit forcefully asks.

"Getting valuable information," I grind out through clenched teeth.

"You-" Koa stops talking when he sees the blood covering me. "Come on."

Koa picks me up and drags me to the bathroom. He begins to take my clothes off and starts a bath.

"Are you okay if I undress you?" Koa timidly asks.

I nod my head yes as I lean into his embrace. I was able to slip the papers under my bed when I fell into the room so he won't see them.

Before Koa can say or do anything else I lose all consciousness.


I wake up in my bed. Fresh clothes are on me and my arm has bandages on it. I slowly sit up, winces from the movement. Koa sits in a chair at the end of my bed. No, Koa is asleep in the chair. I sit up all the way leaning back. I hiss as my arm moves.

Koa jerks up. I barely look at him.

"You shouldn't sit up," Koa walks over to me.

"I'm fine."

"Yeah, I know. You're just peachy perfect. You only passed out from blood loss and have a broken ankle. To add onto that Roberto knows you snuck out," Koa whisper yells at me. "Lay back down. Don't sit up. Heal as much as you can before Roberto comes in here and fucks you up."

I look down at my hands, "Did you change my clothes?"

"No. I had one of the maids do it."

I sigh in relief. I was too focused on my bullet wound to realize that Koa would have seen my scars. That would not have been good.

"Go back to sleep. I will keep Roberto away from you as long as I can," Koa rubs his eyes.

"Thanks," I reluctantly whisper.

Koa doesn't respond. He just walks out of my room without even helping me lay back down.


I am awoken by Roberto kicking my door down to get in my room.

"You piece of shit! You are getting locked up in the cells!"

I try my best to stay awake to walk myself down to the cells but I am passed out again before Roberto is even fully in my room.

(1018 words)

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