Chapter 3

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I spent the rest of the week doing anything I could to keep my mind off the marriage. Luckily I haven't seen my husband yet. I cringe just thinking of the word.

"We managed to infiltrate the group easily. We have all the names and how they plan to kill you," Asura updates me.

"Bring them to me. Say that there is training or something and walk them right into the prison cells in the basement. I will handle it from there," My every word is clipped. My tone is never changing and my eyes never meet theirs. I don't want to see any pity. I assume Asura nods because he does not reply, "Anything else?"

"A couple of men tried to kill our men during the weapons trade on the harbor. Our men killed all of them except one. We brought that one in for questioning," Thyra tells me.

"Okay. Where is the guy?" I ask.

"In the basement."


"Who sent you?"

Again, silence. The man does not reply. His lip is already busted and bleeding. In a second his jaw will not be in the right place.

"I'll give you two seconds to answer before I will make it so you have to eat out of a feeding tube for the rest of your life," My tone is sharp and unrelenting, "One. Two."

I smirk, taking pleasure in the pain he is about to feel. I punch him in the jaw hard enough that he tips over in his chair. When he is on the ground I kick his face. He yells loudly, but not loud enough to miss the cracking sound his jaw made.

"Who sent you?"

He opens his mouth and says something. I can't tell what though. He keeps saying it over and over again until I finally make out the name.

"Josh Lombardi," I repeat and he shakes his head, "Why?" When he doesn't immediately answer I shout it again and grab him by the jaw. He whimpers in pain.

"He doesn't want you to forget him. He wants you to remember what he did for you." It took him a while to say it. Repeating a lot of words until I understood him.

"What he did to me," I correct him. "Well, I will just have to give him a small present then. Should I send him your dick? Or maybe your pinky finger? They should both be about the same size. I know his are," I think out loud. "You know what? I'll just send him your whole body. You will be pretty messed up but at least you'll be alive."

I smile a pretty, innocent smile before I take my gun and shoot both his legs. I purposely miss any big arteries. I then take out my knife. I close one eye and draw in the air what to do to him like he is my canvas and I am the artist. I decide he would look better without one ear and with only eight fingers. So that's where I start.

"W-wait! I have a wife and kids. P-please," he begs me. Over and over. I delight in it. I listen to every word he says. Every plead and promise he makes. Eventually, he must realize that I am not changing my mind. He stops begging. Tears roll down his cheeks. How pathetic.

"Finally, now I can begin."

By the time I am done with the ear and his fingers, I am covered in blood. I give him a long gash on his cheek. Lastly, I cut open his shirt and draw an 'X' right over his heart.

I lean in and whisper in the man's one ear that is left, "I want you to tell Josh that am not playing these fucking games with him. Tell him that I plan on stabbing him right through his empty heart."

A whimper escapes him but I don't care. I smile as I take in my masterpiece. I laugh to myself a little. Just as I am about to leave to have some men drop him on Josh's doorstep, Asura walks in.

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