Chapter 20

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Yesterday, Koa spent the whole day doing his best to make me feel better and not thing about doing anything stupid.

Today I wake up with red, puffy eyes. Koa slowly helps me wake up, eat breakfast, and get a little training in before our meetings.

As we get changed into our business outfits Koa asks me, "Feeling better today?"

I look at myself in the mirror. After I started eating again I also started gaining weight. I hate the weight I have gained. I hate the way my body looks. Not that I even liked it when I was simply flesh and bones. I then look at my face. I have days where I feel like I am the prettiest mother fucker out there, then there are days like today where I wonder how the hell Koa can even look at me.

I slide the dress on over my head. It's a form fitting, silk, black dress. The short dress just barely covers my ass and the neck line is a little low. I do a little turn in front of the mirror to see how it all looks. I'm not going to lie, I hate it.

"I'm okay," I lie to Koa.

When I turn to look at him his jaw has dropped. He is staring at me. At every inch of my body.

"Okay? You look fucking- holy shit- you look fucking," Koa stumbles over his words causing me to smile a little. "God and that fucking smile."

Koa walks over to me and runs his hands down the side of my body.

"I see the way you look at yourself and I don't know how the hell you can see what I see and not think you are the hottest mother fucker in the whole world. Your body is perfect. And since you have started eating your curves have filled in. Your cheeks too which makes your smile that much cuter," Koa pauses admiring me. "God I don't want any other guy to see you looking like this."

Koa whispers something under his breath that I don't hear. I smile up at him as he continues to stare at me.

"I love you, Koa," I whisper onto his lips.

I feel his smile. "I love you, too," he mumbled onto my lips as we kiss.

We head downstairs to wear Jake is waiting. He is wearing a dark blue tuxedo and his blonde hair is messy. Koas tuxedo is black matching my own.

Jake whistles, "You two look hot as hell. And scary as hell."

Koa glares at him, "Don't-"

"Thank you, Jake. Maybe you can join us tonight," I wink at him and walk out with Koa, whose jaw has dropped once again.

"Gladly," Jake practically skips behind us.

Koa shouts behind us at Jake, "No you may not. I don't fuck guys!"

Jake shouts back at Koa, "I do! And I fuck girls too!"

I laugh at Jakes honesty and at Koas pure annoyance.

"Hurry up we don't want to be late," I scold the two children.

"Yes, ma'am. Meet you guys there," Jake salutes us as he gets in his own car and drives off.

Koa and I are right behind him. Immediately when we both sit down Koas hand is on my thigh sitting a little to high for being casual. I decide to tease Koa and put my hand right on top of his dick and leave it there. When the car lurches forward of hits a bump I hear Koa groan.

I begin to stroke his already hard dick through his pants. His knuckles turn white as he grips the steering wheel and my thigh very tightly.

"Fuck, you can't do this to me," Koa groans.

I just giggle and remove my hand.


Jake walks in first into the room. Koa and I are a couple steps behind him walking in arm in arm. The man we are meeting first has a medium sized mafia. He has the third biggest mafia of all the men we are meeting.

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