Chapter 12

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I didn't wake up yesterday. I slept the whole day. Exhaustion keeping me asleep and unable to move. When I wake up today I decide a glass of water couldn't hurt. I even shower too.

I walk downstairs to the kitchen and see Koa sitting at the island in the middle. He runs his hands through his hair while taking a deep breath.

"Are you okay?" my voice is rough and hoarse. Almost unrecognizable. I am not exactly sure why I asked Koa. I could care less what his answer is. In fact, I didn't even hear his response. I saw his lips moving but heard nothing. I got my glass of water and nodded my head acting as though I was listening.

I finished my water and headed upstairs. Before I left I said to Koa, "I'm sure everything will be fine."

At least there is one good thing I did in my life. Maybe I can do a couple more. Maybe I will slowly kill myself before I can.

I pray to whatever god is up there to help my brother. I don't necessarily believe in God or anything like that. I am more of a fate and destiny kind of person. But if there is by chance a god out there I hope they help my brother. I will do anything so that they will help him.

(232 words)

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