Chapter 9

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"Asura?" my voice breaks.

He laughs. Laughs. And walks away. Out the door. And doesn't look back. My heart shatters into a million pieces. It breaks for my brother who deserves none of this and it also breaks for the man I let into my life. The man that just walked out of my life. Without a single regret.

I rush over to Brandon's side. I check his pulse but find nothing. I sob as I hold his body close to mine. My body whole body shakes as I let out a scream. I don't even notice when Koa comes in, only when he takes Brandon out of my arms and runs him to the car do I get up. Slowly I follow. Unable to focus on anything other than my dying brother and the betrayal of the only people I ever trusted, except for Holly.

I suddenly remember that Holly is missing I call her multiple times and text her. She finally picks up, "Hey Nicole. Is everything okay?" Holly's cheerful voice fills my ear.

"Oh thank god. Don't trust Thyra. Don't trust Asura. They betrayed us. They betrayed me. They killed my brother," my voice breaks, I choke on another sob.

"Oh, Nicole," Holly's soothing voice calms me down, "Who do you think helped them?"

I drop my phone, shattering it on the ground. I drop to my knees suddenly unable to breathe. I throw up whatever is in my stomach. I crumble on the floor shaking and crying so hard I can't move.

How could she do this? How could any of them do this? I trusted them. I cared for them. I knew I shouldn't have let them get close enough to hurt me. I knew I should've pushed them away.

After a minute, or maybe it was an hour, I calm myself down. I walk down the hall to the armory and grab my weapons. Then I head for the one place they could all be.


I kill anyone and everyone who tries to stop me. Walking down every hallway, man after man attacks me. I shoot them all through the heart until my bullets run out, then I use my daggers. I continue down each hallway, walking in every room and killing everyone in sight. I don't have any mercy saved in me for anyone.

Finally, Asura and Thyra turn the corner and look up to see me. They looked surprised like I wouldn't want my revenge. The blood-hungry look in my eyes was enough to scare them. Or maybe it was the blood covering me from head to toe. I grab the gun I saved for them.

"You didn't come to try to save us, did you? We don't need to be saved. We chose to betray you," Thyra says nervously, biding her time.

"No," I laugh menacingly, "I came to kill you. I came to rip you limb from limb. To make you scream until you are begging me for mercy. Because those who betray me like this don't live to see another day."

They both charge at me. I simply shoot Thyra in the leg when she moves it up to kick me, the move I predicted she would make. I then knock her out by kicking her head. Asura is on me in a second, I shoot him in the arm but that doesn't stop him. I then grab my dagger and stab it through his eye. The scream he lets out is one I won't forget. I knock him out with a swift blow.

When they both lay in front of me bleeding out I grab their wrists and drag them out of Roberto's base. I shove them in my trunk if only so I don't have to look at their faces. The faces of my closest friends that betrayed me.


I sit in front of the cells as the two slowly become conscious.

"Who's first?" I ask them both and wait as they both horrifically discover their tongues gone. Panic fills both of them. They struggle to breathe and thrash in the chains. Normally I would feel some sort of satisfaction when I see the fear and pain in the faces of those I am torturing but I just feel empty when I look at them. I wait until they calm down before I go over to Thyra.

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