Chapter 19

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I wake up in the morning feeling amazing. I turn and look at Koa to see him already looking at me. I lean in and peck him with a kiss.

"Good morning," I smile and kiss him again.

"Good morning, darling," Koa smiles softly at me.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Whatever you want, darling."

I gasp, "I will go make you breakfast."

I sit up and stand up off the bed. Then I fall on the ground. "Ouch."

Koa leans his head over the edge of the bed, "Looks like I fucked you to hard."

I glare at him and try to stand again. I lean against the bed and anything else I can all the way downstairs. I get halfway down the stairs before Koa picks me up from my waist and carries me down.

"Hey I can do it myself," I wiggle around in his arms fight to get free.

"I know, but I want my food and you were going slow."

I roll my eyes at him as we walk into the kitchen. Well he walks. I just hang onto him. Koa sets me down on the ground and I begin to make him eggs and toast. The entire time I am walking around making him breakfast, Koa is holding onto my waist walking with me.

When I am finished I put the plate down on the table and we sit down next to each other. I let him eat as I just sit and talk with him. I also research and he joins me once he is done eating.

Later Jake comes to our house and we go over all the potential allies. We get rid of anyone who has even the slight seat reason to betray us and stick with those who we believe will join us. This takes all day and eventually we have to stop and take a break.

"My brain hurts," I rub my temples.

Jake, who is sitting next to me, leans his head on my shoulder, "I'm," he yawns, "tired."

My eyes flutter closed but I am still able to see when Koa glares at Jake. I smile a little as Jake and I both lean back against the couch, my head on top of his, his head on my shoulder.


I wake up to someone shaking me. I look over and see Jake still on my shoulder but he is shaking in his sleep. I gently shake him and tap him until he wakes up.

"What? What?" he looks around alert.

"You were shaking. Are you okay?" We have a blanket on us that Koa must have put there.

"Oh yeah. I just keep getting this dream of my brother. Instead of screaming I just shake uncontrollably. I don't understand why," he explains.

"It's okay. I understand. I get a lot of nightmares," I give Jake a comforting hug. "Here follow me. I'll lead you to a guest room."

I bring Jake to a guest room and let him sleep there for the night. I then walk to Koas room. When I walk in I know he is awake although he lays on his right side as still as if he was asleep. But he sleeps on his left side facing me, not his right side.

"Can't sleep?" I whisper to him as I climb in bed next to him.

He immediately rolls over and wraps me in his arms, "It's hard to sleep without you in the bed." Koa vulnerably admits.

I tear up a little. I don't know why but I just do.

"What's wrong? Did he touch you? I will kill him if he did anything to hurt you," Koa has a murderous look in his eyes.

"No he didn't hurt me. It's just that," I pause. I hate admiring vulnerable things but with Koa I feel like I can. Especially when he just did. "It feels good to know there is someone who wants me here. Wants me alive."

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