Chapter 25

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I watch through the tiny gap in between the ceiling panels as Koa sits in a chair below. His knee bobs up in down nervously. He is bent over the table staring vacantly as Micheal walks in. Koas eyes shoot up.

"What do you want?" Koa feverishly asks his father, "What do you want in exchange for Nicole. I will do anything."

Micheal looks taken back for a moment just before he recollects himself. "I want everything you and her own. I want you dead. And, lastly, I want the documents burned."

Koa nods his head up and down, "I will burn the papers and I will put everything to you in my will. Anything to make sure Nicole is safe."

Koa's face is full of sorrow. I almost believe it myself.

"What a pathetic piece of shit. You won't even fight me because you have fallen in love," Koas father rants. Koa let's him go on as his father slowly walks closer and closer to him. "I always told you love is weakness. You could have been so great. You could have been the best. Instead, you are lucky to be even second best to that son of a bitches daughter. A girl! Second best to a girl. Absolutely pathetic."

Koa's head is pointed to the ground as if he is embarrassed and ashamed.

"I tried," Koa speaks up, "I tried so hard to be whatever you wanted me to be. I killed a man when I was just six years old only for you to say it was a weak kill. I had nightmares for years after that but I said nothing so you would think I was strong. I took your beatings. I took your punishments. I did everything you wanted but I was never enough. I was never enough for you and that killed me." At this point, Koa is looking at his father in the eyes. "Now, I have stopped trying to be what you want. I will be everything you don't want me to be."

"Just do what I told you to do," Micheal growls annoyed. Koa looks back at the ground.

"I'm sorry father," Koa slowly looks up at his father. A devilish smirk covers his face. "Good try, but I know you don't have Nicole." Koa smirk turn into a broad smile when his fathers face drops becoming full of fear.

I remove the ceiling tile and hop down behind Micheal. I place the knife delicately against his neck slowly applying more and more pressure. I let the fear sink into him. I wait until I can feel him shaking before I finally rip the blade across his neck.

Micheals frozen, dead eyes stare at the ceiling. I look over at Koa. I watch his throat bob and his jaw clench before he looks away from his father.


Well we buried two people today. My brother and Micheal. I silently comfort Koa waiting for him to talk to me when he wants to. I gently run my fingers through his hair.

"Shouldn't I feel something?" Koa whispers.

"No. You don't always feel something right away and that okay. You will feel your emotions when you feel them. Sometimes it takes time."

There is a long moment of silence.

"Can we get married now?" Koa looks up at me.

"Yes. Right now," I smile.

"Right now."

Koa gets up and runs to the phone to call Jake, "Come be the priest person. Nicole said she will marry me right now!" Koa sounds like a little boy who is getting candy.

I laugh at him.

"Do you have your vows ready?" I ask him.

"Yes. Well no but I don't need them. I will just speak from the heart," Koa walks over to me puts his hands on either side of my face and kisses me. "I love you."

"I love you too."


Jake shows up in a complete priest outfit. I burst out laughing and Koa has to hold me up so I don't fall.

"Let's do this!" Jake yells.

Koa stands across from me holding both of my hands. He clears his throat, "Nicole Black. If someone were to hear our story they may instantly think that I saved you. That I am the hero."

"Cocky much," I raise an eyebrow with a smirk on my lips.

"Let me finish," Koa rolls his eyes playfully, "But that's not totally true. I am not the only hero. You saved me, Nicole Black. You saved me from myself. You gave me a reason and a purpose to live. I fell in love with you the moment I realized we weren't all that different. I did my very best to make sure you lived and that you always had someone by your side and now I will make sure you will always have me by your side. No one else. I promise to always protect you and love you no matter what. I love you so much."

Tears fill my eyes, "Koa Lombardi I love you too. You saved me not just from a bullet but from myself. I was in endless darkness, a gaping hole inside of me, that I could not come out of. No matter what I did or who I became close with I could never feel anything. Until you. I hated you so much it was only the burning rage inside of me that kept me alive. That burning rage turned into a burning love for you. When I realized I was never truly alone because I always had you. Koa you are the sun that lit me up. I am happy now because of you. I don't think I could live without you. Not now, and not ever."

I am lost in Koas eyes. Jake sniffles and both Koa and I laugh.

"Do you, Koa-"

"I do.

"And do you, Nicole-"

"I do."

"You may now kiss the bride-" Koa kisses me so deeply and passionately, "Awww. Get a room."

When we pull away from each other we cannot stop smiling.

"Thank you, Jake." I smile at him.

"You are welcome. Now enjoy your honeymoon." Jake waves goodbye.

Once the door has closed behind Jake I run away from Koa.

"Where are you going?" Koa yells at me.

"Just wait!" I can't help but giggle to myself.

When I come back downstairs I am in a tiny piece of lingerie.

"Ready for our honeymoon?"

"Fuck yeah!" Koa walks over and grabs my ass.

(1084 words)

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