Chapter 24

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The next day*
Victoria's POV

I woke up and went to get my bag for school to do homework at my desk in my room so I sat their and started

A little while later*

I heard someone walking around upstairs so I went to my door and saw Peter pacing back and forth so I just said " are you ok?" He looked over at me and I felt a strong smell of alcohol come near me and then he said " heyy Victoria" he was slurrring his words so I could tell her was drunk so I grabbed his arm and took him to his room and said " dude your drunk" I then left his room and went to shower so I could take the smell of alcohol and guy cologne off of me.

Dinner time*
I'm guessing Peter sobered up quickly cause he was fine when dinner came around we all went to sit down and then tony said " how was school kiddos" Peter said " it was great me and Ned are gonna do a game night tonight" tony then said " that's great kid what about you Victoria" I looked up from my plate and said " it was fine as good as school can be as the new kid," and we all just ate out dinner and talked well mostly the other people i just listened to what they were saying and then I put my plate in the sink and washed it and then went up to my room to shower and read.

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