Chapter 13

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I was being un tied from the chair by nat when I was done she later me down on the floor and said " hey hey Victoria can you hear me" I said trying to find my breath " I-it h-h-hurts.." then Wanda came running over and she picked me up and nat was holding pressure to the wound and they ran out the backdoor and nat drove the car and Wanda sat in the backseat with me and then nat called fury and said " hey have a medical team on standby we're driving to the qunjet Steve is meeting us there to get the stuff ready and Victoria is badly injured" I think I passed out because all I remember was hearing nat holding Wanda and back and Wanda yelling " help her!".

Wandas POV
When we got back to the compound the medical team was waiting for her and they put her in a gurney and took her into the surgery room and I was extremely scared for her.

A couple hours later.

Bruce walked in and I immediately stood up and said " how is she!?" Bruce sighed and said " she's stable for now and you guys can go see her if you'd like but she won't be awake" I then looked at nat and Steve and they nodded their head and I walked into the
Room and sat next to her and held her hand and said " you need to be ok Victoria I just met you but I wanna help you because I know in the stubborn little body of yours their is a sweet little girl" Nat then said " ya know you don't give up on leaving that kid Ben do you" she sat across from me and then I said " she's to young to feel this way" nat sighed " well some kids just didn't have a good childhood and I especially know she didn't" I looked up in confusion and said " you've seen Victoria before" Nat sighed and said " yes I have when she was six youngest in the shield training facility she was fighting against a 12 year old boy and she won shield kept tabs on her because were she originally trained she was named  the scarlet sword" I said " wow so she's Been with shield since she was six!?" Nat nodded and sighed " I didn't think I would see her again"

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