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Liam had woken up with the biggest smile on his face. He had a warm feeling through his whole body and his heart fluttered. A pleasant sigh escaped his lips, glad that the morning sun hadn't decided to annoyingly wake him up by peaking through the curtains, except it was the soothing sound of the morning rain, patting quietly against the window. The sky was grey and cloudy (how Liam liked it) and the weather was chilly. It was a perfect and calm Sunday morning.

But what made it even more perfect was the fact that he was sharing this lovely morning with the person that is most likely to be the love of his life. His body tingled and pulled his arm out from under the covers and swings it to the right side of the bed, going in to spoon Zayn. But instead of feeling his lovely and warm body, he ended up resting his arm on the bed.

His smile faded and he muttered "babe" before supporting his body on his elbow, blinking his eyes to get rid of the blurriness. He looked around the room, searching for the tan boy, but he wasn't present.

Liam panicked a bit and bit his lip, sitting up and scratching his short beard that had grown out (since Zayn said that he thought Liam looked dashing and sexy with it, so he decided to sport it for a while) as he took one last quick glance around the room before getting up from the bed and into the bathroom.

He was still naked but he didn't bother putting on anything just yet. Zayn wasn't in the bathroom either, so he quickly grabbed his brush and brushed his teeth, ready to go search for his boy. He quickly grabbed a pair of loose grey sweatpants and pulled them on, walking out of his (and Zayn's) room.

Walking down the hallway, he heard the clatter of pans and silverware from the kitchen and he immediately knew what his baby was up to. He smiled to himself and chuckled, walking a bit faster just to catch Zayn in the act of his attempted surprise.

He peaked through the door of the kitchen and his eyes roamed until they laid on the one and only thing he was looking for.


He watched as he struggled to squeeze some oranges into a cup, his skinny and small fingers squeezing tightly as he scrunched his face up, using all his strength. He squeezed until the very last drop, his fingers and hands not only weak because of the squeezing, but also because of the pulling and scratching.

Liam chuckled quietly as Zayn threw the dry orange into the garbage, muttering 'swear' words at it, knowing that his boy wouldn't say a bad word unless it was absolutely necessary.

He placed the cup to the side, next to the plate of scrambled eggs, toast and a bit of strawberries on the side. He shrugged at his work, biting his lip and hoping that Liam would enjoy the breakfast that he had made with so much love just for him.

Liam decided that he was tired in his hiding spot and quietly tiptoed over to Zayn, who gave him a good view of his back, wearing a shirt that was Liam's which was way too big on him and a pair of checkered boxers.

He quickly wrapped his arms around him, making Zayn squeak as he lifted him off the ground and spun him.

Zayn quickly realized who it was and giggled when he was set on his feet again. "Good mo'ning to ya' too." His accent thick as he playfully poked his hairy chest.

Liam smiled, his eyes crinkled as he pulled Zayn into a hug, giving his a chaste yet slow and passionate kiss, which didn't last very long. "I see you're making breakfast, love. Looks great."

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