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(words: 974)


Everything was so blurry for Zayn Malik.

Everything felt so unreal, but at the same to time, too familiar.

He heard screams, but they sounded strange, as if they were underwater.

Zayn screamed out himself, watching as his smaller fist pounded on to the old wooden door in almost slow motion. He screamed things he couldn't make out and there was a terrible feeling at the pit of his stomach.

Something was going wrong. And he knew that because he heard a familiar laugh, one filled with insanity.

He was smaller than usual, his fist were small and the pounding on the door wasn't to be heard.

But then it suddenly flies open and Zayn is falling. Falling in to a never ending pit of darkness.

There is a rush that goes through his body and it feels like forever until he finally sees something at the bottom.

He holds his breath as he falls in to a pool. But this pool was different.

Because pools aren't a burgundy color.

When lands in it, he tries to swim back up to the surface, but he doesn't know how to swim, so he is desperately waving his arms around trying to breath.

He calls for help, but once again no one hears him. He feels the thick liquid beginning to pull him in, but he tries and tries, but he's already in to deep.

Zayn's crying now, his heart is beating at a unimaginable rate and he feels so small and weak. He can't breath and he feels as if he were inhaling the blood around him.

Then the blood begins to disappear and he is now laying on the cold ground as he coughs and tries to catch his breath. He is covered in blood and he wondering if this will ever end.

Then his red eyes look up and see and body in the distance. He gulps when he recognizes her and she's smiling at him. A smile that he missed.

He calls out her name but she just waves, he gets up and runs towards her, but felt as if he were running on a treadmill because he wasn't going anywhere.

He screams out when he sees her fall to the ground, her fragile body crumbled in to ashes as he yells.

Zayn is pulled away by a big cold hand, the man is laughing as Zayn cries and begs him to let him go. But he continues to drag him away, towards another door.

Zayn cries and shakes his head, refusing to go in. But the door suddenly opens and he's being thrown in to it.

He calls out for the woman, but she doesn't respond. He's just left there in the dark, small and cold room.

He feels hatred bubble up inside of him. He hates the man. He doesn't know who he is. But he hates him.

And he is absolutely terrified of him.


Zayn wakes up, a thin layer of sweat covered all over his body. He feels himself being pulled in to strong warm arms, resting his head on their chest. These arms are nothing like the cold ones in his dream.

He immediately recognizes Liam.

He doesn't realize that he's crying until Liam wipes the tears from his face, but they continue falling.

Zayn isn't sobbing, but feels as if he's going to. His body is shaking uncontrollably because of the fear and he feels Liam press a soothing kiss on his cheek. "It's okay, it's okay. I've got you" He says softly.

And then Zayn cries again, he sobs quietly in to Liam's chest, wrapping his arms around his waist. The tears are dampening Liam's shirt, but he couldn't care less.

Zayn can still feel the imaginary blood on his body and he shudders. He tries to forget the cold dark eyes, but he feels as if they were to be carved permanently in to his brain.

When he has finally settled down, he sits on the large bed with Liam holding him. The only sounds to be heard were Zayn sniffles and occasional whimpers.

Liam had heard his cries from the living room. He had been sleeping on the living room couch for the past few night just to give Zayn his own personal space. He didn't mind, he was just glad that Zayn was sleeping on a comfortable bed for once.

"Bad dream?" Liam asks quietly after a few minutes of silence.

Zayn sighs, his breath shaking as he nods against Liam's chest.

"Wanna' talk about it?"

He shakes his head, not wanting to remember the horrible nightmare. "Not really."

Liam nods, understanding. He holds Zayn for a few more minutes until he is completely sure that he is relaxed.

Zayn has fallen asleep on his chest, Liam thinking that it was the most precious thing he has ever seen. So he lays him down softly on the bed. Liam gets up and when he is about to exit, Zayn speaks:


He turns around "Zayn?"

A bit of blush creeps on to his cheeks "Can you --" He begins, swallowing a bit "Stay with me?... Just for tonight" He asks shyly. He hadn't felt so safe before in any one else's arms and he hoped that the feeling could last a little longer.

Liam smiles and nods, lying down right next to Zayn.

They keep their distance, not wanting to disturb one another. But they find themselves scooting closer to one another and by the times they're asleep, Liam has his arm wrapped around Zayn's waist and Zayn has his face buried in Liam's chest.

Zayn doesn't have anymore nightmares after that.


Sooo, did you guys enjoy that bit of fluff. (Was it fluff? Idk)

This chapter was a bit shorter, so sorry about that :c

Picture on the side bc you know

Vote and comment if you enjoyed please!!!

Lots of Love ♥


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