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I re-uploaded this chapter because it was (for some reason) private, maybe because I wrote it on my phone, but I didn't notice that until I logged in on my computer. So here it is.

(Yay! Votes! I really love writing this story)


(words: 888)


Liam rushed down the streets of London. Briefcase clenched tightly in between the fingers of his right hand, his other, trying to fix his messy suit and tie.

He had managed to finish all his work for the week, which means that he had the weekend free to himself. No work, just relaxing time.

He had stupidly skipped lunch, because of his busy-ness. But right now, he totally regretted it. He felt as if his stomach was going to eat itself. Though it seemed impossible, Liam was kind of sure that it could happen, in a condition of hunger like this one.

He thought about stopping by that small café, have something to eat before he drops right in the middle of the streets. But then he realized that he had promised to buy that painting by that boy.

Liam had totally forgotten about it, face palming as he turned back around, because he had passed the boy a block ago. As he pushed past the people, he began to pull the fifty out of his wallet, approaching the alley way.

He pulled himself out of the crowd and stopped right in front of the familiar paintings. They were the same ones as last time, but one was missing. Which probably meant that he had already sold it.

His eyes met with the boy, sitting just like the last time; knees pulled in and chin resting on them. His eyes were wide and sparkling, his black hair in a mess. Dirt and scruff was on his face, but Liam could make out the small bruise he had on his jaw. Liam wanted to caress his jaw and ask him what had happen. But he didn't want to scare him off, giving him the impression that Liam was some creepy pedophile. Because Liam was almost sure that he can be ten years older than him.

So he avoided the thought "Hello, again" Liam said smiling.

The boy waved and smiled back shyly, his teeth surprisingly clean.

"How much does the painting in the middle cost?" He asked, really just because he wanted to hear the boys voice.

He sinks in a little bit, wrapping his arms tighter around his knees. "Just... Fifteen..." He looked down at the ground, suddenly feeling very shy, more than usual.

Liam was surprised, not only did the boy have a delightful voice, but the price was very low for such a beautiful and well made painting. So maybe he was very aware of the fact that he is a young homeless boy that sells art on the streets and that many wouldn't even spent twenty on street art made by someone homeless. Though it belongs in a gallery, it doesn't need to be in one to be called art. Just because it's being sold on the streets by a boy, it doesn't mean it's not a masterpiece. But he clearly knew about his talent, so why was it at such a low price? How does he expect to earn money by having such low prices?

He caught the expression on Liam's face and immediately felt bad. Maybe it was too pricey? "O-or we can just leave it at ten or five if you'd like..." He dug his chin in to his knees.

Liam shook his head "How do you expect me to give you five for this?" He asked pointing at the masterpiece in front of him.

"I'm sorry if it's overpriced, I-I just really need the money" He slightly rocked back and forth.

Liam frowned "How is this overpriced? You're selling me this for five when it should belong in a museum"

Zayn didn't know what to say, except to just look to look at his painting, wondering if it really does belong in a museum.

"Here" Liam said, extending his arm "Have fifty" He showed him the note.

Zayn's eyes widened, shaking his head vigorously "I-I can't do that, sir" His voice shook, slightly. "That's too much"

"Just take it. If I'm giving it to you, it means I want to" He smiled warmly at him.

The boy looked at the money and bit his lip, slowly taking it from his hands. "Thank you very, very much" He squeezed it in his hands, finally glad that he has enough money to buy a new canvas and probably some food. Right now, he felt very grateful towards the man, wanting to hug him. But he probably wouldn't like that.

"Don't mention it" He smiled as Zayn handed him his painting. Purples and black, the main colors on the painting. Also matching the color of Zayn's bruises and bags under his eyes.

Liam felt sorry for him. Though he avoided feeling pity towards others, he couldn't help but feel some sort of attraction towards the young lad. He seemed innocent, but he can tell that his eyes have seen a lot in his life. He looks hurt, but he always has a brilliant smile on his face. He's not just any boy, he's something else. Something Liam can't figure out.

"Have a nice day" Liam tells the boy, already turning to leave.

"I wish the same to you, sir" He says politely.

Liam nods, and walks away, with his new painting his hands. Not having any idea that he has fallen for the boy.


Yasss! Third chapter.

I wrote this on my phone so don't kill me if this sucks and if it's too short.

Please vote if you enjoyed, comment about what you had thought about this chapter.

Question of the day:

Why do you think Zayn has that bruise on his face?

Lots of love ♥


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User: cheers.ziam

Sorry for that xD)

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