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(words: 1.360)


Zayn and Liam are eating their dinner, the scene quiet but still had their small chats here and there. Zayn complementing the food Liam had made, Liam asking him if he wanted more of his beverage. They’re peacefully eating, the sound of utensils clattering against the plate as they remain silent for most of the dinner.

Liam wants to speak up, he has been wanting to ever since they have sat down at the table. But he’s not sure if he can because he’s been feeling a bit guilty about not telling Zayn about him meeting-up with Harry, but it was for the best. He couldn’t see him get hurt; he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if he did.

It all reminded him about what Harry had told him about the raven-haired boy. How he had to go through the death of his parents, both of them being killed by God-knows-who. He couldn’t imagine being so lonely and scared at such a young age, having to live with a monster that was his step-father.

Oh, if Liam knew who that man was, he would find him and strangle him with his own bare hands.

But what was even sadder was that Zayn didn’t even remember it all. Maybe it isn’t all that sad when you think about it (not remembering his bad past), but what would happen if his memory comes back? It would all hit him like a wrecking ball, he won’t be able to dodge it and he probably won’t be the same for a while. Liam couldn’t tell him that he knew a bit about his past, because that would make it even worse because he would question the reason why he knew.

So, he decides to play dumb. He swallows the food in his mouth and washes it down with his beverage. “Has that man called you again?” He asks, keeping his voice stern as if he were still worried about the situation. Even though the probably is completely gone, he still has to question it, just so Zayn wouldn’t think that he has completely forgotten about it.

The younger boy shakes his head, a small pucker on his lips as he does so. He had gotten out of the shower just a few minutes before dinner, his hair was still damp and a few droplets remain on his face. “No, he hasn’t. Thank goodness.” He chuckles a bit, his spoon scooping up a bit of rice, placing it in his mouth then chewing politely with his mouth shut.

Liam smiles just a bit, hoping that Zayn keeps believing that Harry had just decided to give up and forget about the whole situation. Though he does feel a bit bad about not telling him, it was for his own good. What he doesn’t know won’t kill him.

"Do you know who he is yet?" He asks again, trying to keep his face straight.

Zayn shakes his head, slightly playing with the food with his fork. He seems to be a bit sad, maybe even frustrated. But he should be because it's not easy trying to remember someone you have totally forgotten about.

Liam purses his lips and nods, the table silenced once again. He finishes off his dinner, Zayn shortly after him (he's a slow eater).

The older man gets up and picks up both of their plates. Zayn decides to help out as well by picking up the cups and utensils, following Liam into the kitchen. He begins to clean the plates on one side of the sink, the other boy stands next to him and begins to clean as well.

He smiles down at Zayn, a sweet smile that included crinkled eyes, a smile Zayn loves.

Zayn smiles back shyly, his cheeks turning pink for no reason. It always seems to happen whenever he's around Liam, he's always a blushing mess when he's with him. He turns his head around, washing the dishes, the color in his cheeks still there.

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