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(words: 2.320)


"Liam," Zayn had begun, clenching onto his boyfriend's forearm as he bit his lips nervously. "I'm worried Louis will hate me again." He admitted.

They were in Liam's car, driving over to Louis' house for dinner, since he had invited the couple over. Sure, he knows that he and Louis are on good terms, but he was probably just pretending to like him for Liam's sake. He wanted Louis to genuinely like him.

Having dinner with Louis was like having dinner with Liam's parents; he desperately wanted him to accept him as his partner. He wanted to get along with his boyfriend's best friend, he doesn't want him to think that he's just some annoying kid that only wants Liam because of his money.

But Liam was sure Zayn was nothing like that. By the way he would look at him with such passion, he knew that he wanted much more than that: he wanted his love and affection.

The heart eyes he'd give him would never suddenly change into dollar signs. He would've already lost large amounts of money at this time of a relationship, because Liam has had way too many encounters with gold diggers and he knows for sure that Zayn, is in fact, not one.

"Don't be, baby. He's just really bad when it comes to meeting people for the first time. I'm sure he'll give you another chance." Liam placed a comforting hand on Zayn's knee, one hand on the wheel and his eyes still fixed on the road before giving him a quick wink.

Zayn sighed sadly, before resting his head against the window, looking out as the sun began to set. He traced the rays of light and clouds with his index finger, trying to identify the different colors, shades of orange and pink splattered along the sky. He smiled a bit as an idea for later on popped into his head, something to sketch into his journal then paint on a fresh canvas.

"What're you smiling about, beautiful?" Liam asked, when he glanced over at his baby who was smiling out the window. He just had to grin himself, watching happiness flood his facial expressions could light up Liam's whole entire day.

"Nothing, it's just…" Zayn chuckled softly, tracing his finger down over the grass, his eyes shining due to the rays of the setting sun reflecting against them. "The sky looks really pretty." He sighed dreamily, pressing his face against the glass, watching as the birds fly across the sun. They gracefully made shapes as they fly in a group, arrows and straight lines before they would disappear.

Liam chuckled at his adorableness and grabbed his hand, kissing his knuckles as he drove by some trees that covered up the sunset. Zayn pouted and looked back at his boyfriend.

"Liam!" He whined, wanting to go back and let the pretty colors distract him from his nervousness.

"I'm sorry, babe." He squeezed his hand softly. "How about I make it up to you? This weekend." A smile crept onto his face.

Zayn felt his stomach flutter a bit and he bit his lip softly, knowing that this was just some lame (yet sweet) excuse for him to spoil him. "What do you have in mind, Mr. Payne?" He teased, poking his tummy with his finger before giggling.

Liam tried to keep his smile small, but Zayn's giggles made it grow until his cheeks ached. "Well," He began, taking Zayn's hand into his once again. "since I have the weekend off, that means no business calls, meetings, paperwork, nothing." He explained, caressing the back of his hand with his thumb. "So, I've decided to spend it with you— and we can go wherever you'd like. All you have to do is tell me and—"

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