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(words: 3.217)


The sun was peeking out from the slightly drawn curtins, a bit of it aging across Liam's sleeping face, his face slightly heating up. He blinked his eyes open, then squinted and hissed, looking away. He had forgotten to close them last night, he was too busy celebrating New Years with Zayn.


He felt a smaller body cuddle up closer to him, his face slightly dug into Liam's side as he let out small and delicate breaths. His hand grabbed onto his shirt tightly in a fist, as if he were to lose him if he'd let go.

Liam turned his head to look at Zayn, sleeping peacefully by his, a small pout on his lips as they released tiny breaths. His hair was in a mess and his lips were only just slightly swollen from the kisses he and Liam had exchanged just a few hours ago.

Although Zayn's innocence was the most precious thing Liam had ever seen; kissing him made him wish he weren't so innocent. He almost felt bad for making-out with a young boy, probably ten years younger than him, who has barely had a finger laid on him in a sexual way. Kissing was all they did last night, but Liam was afraid he had taken advantage of the situation that Zayn is too naïve and adorable to even make desicions for himself. But Liam pushed that thought aside, making it clear to himself that Zayn wouldn't let him do anything if he didn't want to.

His strong arm was wrapped around his skinny frame, unknowingly pulling his closer and enjoying the feeling of actually being able to be besides someone. This is how it feels to feel the warmth of another body, a body that isn't cold and distant, like one after an awkward one night stand. Zayn and Liam didn't even have sex, yet he feels so close to him already.

Liam smiles down at him, kissing his forehead, making him blink his eyes open, the hazel color glowing against the sun that was peeking out of the curtains. He looked up at Liam, slightly squinting and tightening his grip on his shirt, that was unbuttoned at the top. Once he analyzes the face in front of him, a smile appears on his lips, a small sound of joy escaping from them. "Liam!" He said quietly, yet in a cheery tone. His voice slightly raspy, yet it still sounded amazing.

"Good morning, babe." Liam greeted back, kissing his nose. "I'm sorry for waking you up."

Zayn's shook his head, the smile still planted on his lips. "It's alright, I don't mind." A cute giggle escaped his lips as he tilted his head to the side.

The older man couldn't help but coo at him and smile even wider at the beautiful human being lying right next to him on the couch.

Big wide eyes and a sweet smile, but there was so much more and he can literally write a whole book about him.

Liam found himself leaning in, but not to just leave a simple little peck on his face, but actually kiss him on the lips.

Zayn's heart rate slightly increased, watching Liam pulled him in closer, their lips only inches apart.

They sat up a bit, Liam's arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer so he was against his chest.

His hand still clutched onto his shirt, his breath slightly hitching as Liam was now only millimeters away from kissing him. So Zayn quickly closed the gap and pressed his lips on Liam's, fluttering his eyes shut as their lips had begun to move against one another, making chills go down the younger boys back, making it arch slightly.

Liam arched it back a bit more as he leaned in even closer, the kiss so passionate and intimate, it almost made Zayn melt into a puddle.

After a minute or so, they finally pull apart, Zayn resting his chin on his shoulder as he sighs in comfort, being pulled into Liam's embrace as he rubbed small circles into his back as they hugged tightly.

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