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Zayn and Liam are sitting on the couch as they watch a movie. 3 Metros Sobre El Cielo to be exact. It was a beautiful Spanish movie about love between a young school girl and a motorcycle racing bad boy. Sure, it was cliché, but Liam couldn't help but let his heart flutter when he saw the young couple kiss. Liam had to admit that he had a soft-spot for romance.

Zayn was very in to the movie, reading the subtitles carefully as he placed popcorn in to his mouth. He would gasp dramatically as he watched 'H' (pronounced: Atch-ey) race away in his motorcycle. His eyes were wide in interest as he watched the couple go on many adventures, slightly wishing that he was Babi, H's love interest.

As they watched the movie silently (well, Zayn sort of tried to repeat some of the Spanish words that were spoken.), Liam's arm was wrapped around Zayn's shoulder, as the younger boy would rest his head on Liam's chest. Zayn slightly blushed when Liam pulled him a bit closer, their bodies almost seemed as if they were made for each other. Sort of like a puzzle piece. But they weren't made for each other. Zayn believed that although Liam was nice and amazing to him, he only did it because he felt pity towards Zayn. He'll probably kick him out by the time Zayn's amnesia wears off. The thought saddened him, but it was true. Zayn was a hobo. A dirty, disgusting homeless person who only made a living by painting canvas' that no one bothered buying.

Zayn's thoughts were immediately interrupted when a sex-scene came on. Zayn tried to contain the squeak that was about to escape his lips. He didn't want to seem too childish and innocent in front of Liam. It was just a sex-scene, nothing out of the ordinary. But Zayn blushes furiously as H sticks his hand in to Babi's panties. He can feel Liam stiffen right next to him, but he takes it maturely and doesn't let out any silly noises in surprise. Zayn is glad that it isn't very graphic, because he wouldn't know what to do as he and Liam would watch two other people have sex.

The thought of sex made Zayn blush, it was a topic he never really thought about. He obviously knew how it worked and how it was. He's had those dirty friends who would consistently ruin his childhood and teach him about the different ways of doing it before his mother would even mention. He found it silly how many people depended on it, how there were so many relationships that were based off of sex and nothing else. Where were the feelings?

Zayn internally shook his head. Silly world. He thought, grabbing a bit of popcorn.

The movie went on and they had made it to the part were Pollo, H's best friend, dies because of racing too dangerously. The part was very tragic and Zayn now suddenly hates motorcycles. Zayn feels a few tears stream down his face, but he quickly wipes them away. Liam has already seen him cry two times, he doesn't need to see him cry again. Tears meant weakness and even though he felt weak, he tried not to show the world that he was, in reality, fragile and barely even together.

That's when he hears a sniff, right next to him. He looks up and sees Liam with red and glossy eyes, rubbing his nose, trying not to cry.

Huh. Zayn thought. Even the strongest cry.

"It's okay, Liam." Zayn says quietly, bringing his hand up to slightly caress Liam's stubbled cheek.

Liam smiles weakly, wiping his eyes. "I swear; I've watched this movie dozens of times and I still can't get over his death." He chuckles and Zayn smiles.

"Well, fictional deaths are the worst 'cause we can't seem to stop them, whatsoever."

Liam purses his lips and nods "Very true."

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