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Zayn sat still on the leather bed as the general practitioner pointed her flashlight at his eyes. His pupils dilated and he forced himself not to squint or blink.

He didn't understand why she was doing this; his problem was in his brain, not his eyes. But either way, he let her examine him. She was the doctor, after all.

Liam stood next to Zayn, looking at him as he kept his arms across his chest. His eyes flickered over to the doctor once she had placed the small flashlight back in to her pocket.

"He doesn't seem to have any permanent damage" Doctor Adams begins "But the bump on the back of his head has seemed to cause the memory loss"

Liam nods, his tone serious as he spoke "How long will it take for him to get his memory back?"

She purses her lips, looking over at Zayn, who kept his head low and hands on his lap, fiddling with them. "In few cases of traumatic amnesia, the patient has naturally recovered their memory. He would need someone to tell him all about him and his past to begin remembering" She then turns to Zayn "Do you remember any family members or friends that live around here"

He sat there, frozen, as he tried to remember his family members. The only person that came to his mind was him mother, but the sad feeling that hit his heart told him that his mother is no longer around. So he decides to shake his head "No" He answers quietly.

Doctor Adams looked back at Liam "Since he doesn't remember anyone from his family, I recommend you should be patient" She explains "Make sure he gets at least eight hours of sleep and that he should have healthy meals"

"Um, doctor; he's been... vomiting... after he eats." Liam says quietly, so that Zayn wouldn't listen.

But he did and he blushed as he dangled his legs awkwardly from the bed.

"Since his body isn't very used to large amounts of food, you should give him smaller portions, then you can begin to increase his meal every week" She instructed. "Unless, you want to send him to a homeless shelter" She suggested, her voice careful and quiet, trying to make sure Zayn didn't hear her.

But he did and he wanted to snap his head up and beg Liam to say 'no'. But he didn't want to bother Liam. He was obviously a busy man, he had no time for Zayn. So he mentally prepared himself to listen to his answer.

He liked the fact that Liam was taking care of him, he liked taking warm showers, he liked wearing clean clothing (Though it was awfully large on him, it was at least something that could cover him up properly) and eating foods. But what he liked the most was Liam's company. He liked how he would look at him as if he were taking care of him, he liked his smile, he liked his concern towards Zayn.

Zayn would be devastated if he would have to leave. He's only been there one day and he felt so safe, something he hasn't felt in a long time.

Liam looks over at Zayn for a quick second and shakes his head "I'll take care of him"

And with that, Zayn's muscles loosen up and he lets out a small breath in relief, not loud enough for Doctor Adams and Liam to hear.


Liam and Zayn are dining, Liam taking Doctor Adams' instructions, he gave Zayn a smaller portion of spaghetti and meatballs.

As they ate, Liam wanted to begin a friendly conversation. But the problem was that he didn't know how to begin it.

He couldn't just ask him tell me about yourself? because Zayn doesn't know anything about himself.

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