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{Hope you enjoy!!! ♥}


(words: 749)


''Blue, red, green, lavender'' Zayn quietly said to himself ''Blue, red, green, lavender'' He repeated, mixing in a small cup red with blue, adding a bit of white, quickly mixing it with his worn out paint brush. He shivered a bit and placed the cup on the ground before breathing in to his hands and rubbing them up. He barely felt his hands because of the cold November weather, especially since it was late at night.

He repeated the name of the same colors again, hoping that the image wouldn't leave his brain. He then poured the colors in to the cups, quickly grabbing one of the few canvas' he had left. He was going to have to make some money quick, or else he'll be starving and out of canvas'.

Zayn knelt down and placed the canvas in front of him, touching the fabric with his hand and smiling. He quickly dipped the brush in to the lavender (he always started with the lighter colors) and painted a diagonal line across the fine white fabric. His teeth clattered and every time he would breath, it seemed as if smoke left his mouth.

He painted figures with the lavender, closing his eyes as he tried to visualize the image in his head.

Blue, red, green, lavender

Zayn dipped the brush in to the water and then dipped it with green, adding in more figures in to canvas. He stuck his tongue out a bit as he focused, his thoughts getting lost in the colors.

He brought his arm up, covering his mouth with the inside of his elbow as he let out a nasty cough. He was probably getting a chest cold and he had to obtain a scarf soon before it would turn in to something worse.

Zayn pulled the ripped jacket closer to him, then he looked back down at his almost completed canvas that was only slightly lighten up by the street lamps.

Once he had finished with the green, he then continued with red, eyes tracing the passionate color. He put the brush next to canvas, kneeling up straight and squeezing his eyes shut as he massaged his temples as that was going to help him retrieve the memory of the masterpiece he had in his mind. He let out a frustrated groaned and sighed, looking at the canvas he still needed a bit of blue, but Zayn wasn't sure where to apply it.

When the image was back in his mind, he quickly dipped the brush in blue, applying it on the colorful canvas. The blue soon began to mix with the red, and the red with the lavender, lavender with green, green with blue. Endless mixtures that fascinated Zayn to the bone.

He wiped a bead of sweat of his forehead, even though it was freezing cold outside. The concentration made him put his all in to this painting. He had accidentally added blue on one side of his forehead, but he ignored it.

It was finally finished, it took long since his knees and legs had fallen asleep and the sun was just about to rise. He looked over at the pink-orange sky, watching as birds flew around by the clouds, probably looking for food for their newborns. Zayn smiled lopsidedly before looking down at his master piece.

It was absolutely nothing.

But when he said nothing, it was a good nothing. Like silences; there are the good silences and uncomfortable silences. This was definitely a good nothing.

The lines weren't just there, they had a purpose.

They had the purpose of being there.

Zayn smiled at himself once again, holding the painting in front of him, letting the un-dried beads slide down creating a mixture.

It was a shame to sell it, Zayn would've loved to keep it. But where would he place it? That's one of the many disadvantages of being homeless.

He slowly got up, stretching his legs as he did. He limped over to the end of the alley way, placing the painting next to the other four he had left to dry. Later he will sell them and make sure he has enough money for food today and more canvas'.

But for now, he laid down on the dirty blanket and pillow he had next to his beloved painting. Sighing as he got himself in to a comfortable position on his side before closing his eyes with a small smile on his face.

Like he always did.



This a short first chapter, but I'm guessing it's good for being the first. Liam will be on the next chapter, I hope.

Once I get I few more reads, I'll post the next chapter.

Lots of love ♥


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