Perks [smut]

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mature content! sexting, masturbation

October 20, 2021
— JJ's POV
"Jennifer, can I see you for a minute please?" Professor Blake asked me after our lecture today. I nodded and walked down a few rows to the front the room. She waited for it to empty out a little more and then spoke again, "First of all, how have things been going lately? I know you're on the... soccer team, I believe?"

I smiled, "Yes, that's right. Things are going well. It can be a lot sometimes but I'm handling it well so far."

"That's what I was worried about."

"Why? Is everything okay?"

"There's a um, there's a writing workshop that the English department is running, just for a couple weeks, and I thought it would be a good opportunity for you. But if you're too busy I completely understand. I don't know what career path you're planning on taking, but I think you would excel in something related to the Communications field or maybe even English Education."

"You do?"

"Certainly. You're one of the strongest students I've had."

"I am?"

She chuckled, "You're also one to hold back, I've noticed that too. Don't be afraid to branch out and reach your full potential." I nodded shyly. "Tell me, do you have a reliable support system? Someone or maybe multiple people you can rely on to give you the confidence boost you might need?"

"I do, yeah. My roommate is my best friend and she introduced me to a whole group of people who are just... just the most supportive people I've ever met. And I met my girlfriend through them too."

Blake smiled, "Congratulations, Jen, that's wonderful! So just... give this some thought. Maybe ask your friends what they think too. It might lead to something bigger, you never know." She handed me a flyer for the workshop and I stuffed it in my bag before heading back to my dorm.

I crashed onto my bed but was quickly summoned by Penelope, "JJ? Is that you?" She yelled from the lounge.

"No it's Morgan Freeman."

"Get in here!" I slowly got up and trudged to where she was.


"Look at this picture Morgan posted of us!" She turned her phone screen my way and excitedly showed me a selfie of her and Derek that he posted to his Instagram page. I sat down on the couch next to her and observed it. The caption was "cuddling up with my babygirl 💋💋💋." Penelope has been so into him since Day 1, but he still hasn't made a move yet. She hopefully asked me, "Do you think this means anything?"

"I know he'd never post a pic like that of me."

"So this is a good sign?!"

"Well it's certainly not a bad sign... I still say you should talk to him about all th—"

"No! No, I'm waiting for him. I can wait. It's fine."

I sighed, "Whatever. You do you."

She leaned back against me and whined, "I miss themmm."

"I know. Me too. They'll be back in a couple days." Emily and Derek were away for part of this week for a football tournament. They've only been gone a day but their absence is sooo obvious. I miss Em a lot— in more ways than one.

Penelope got up and sighed, "Well I'm gonna drown my sorrows in some shopping bags. Wanna come?"

"Nah that's okay, I got some stuff to do here before practice later." Pen nodded and grabbed her purse before leaving for whatever shopping mall crossed her path first. My bed was calling me, so I got up from the couch in the lounge and cuddled into my mattress with Elliot and Franko. Franko, an octopus, was a new addition to my stuffed animal collection. Emily won him for me out of a claw machine in an arcade, and he has a very special place in my heart because of that. I left him in Emily's bed for the last couple of days, but I made sure to get him before she left. Now he smells like her and I love cuddling with him for that reason.

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