4- My Friendly Patient

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I was about to go to sleep when I got a text from an unknown number.

I don't remember giving my number to anyone lately...

Hey noonie, it's me Jen

Noonie? Wait.... that sounds familiar.

I tried to think about my day earlier today until it hit me.

"Jennie's the weird kimono girl?" I asked myself.

I'll ask her tomorrow.

Hi Jennie. How did you get my number?

Your big sis gave it to me, duh

I giggled at her text and sat up.

That's nice of her

You're such a dummy. Your kimchi fried rice was delicious tho.

Thank you

So, when are you gonna come meet me tomorrow? You know, since you're my therapist

After school?

Yeah, sure

It's getting late, I gotta go

Wait, how did you get my number?

Unknown- last seen at 9:56pm

"Well, that happened" I mumbled and decided to go to bed myself.


"So how are you gonna help her if you don't know anything about her medical history?" I asked Lisa as we ate our breakfast.

She was in her loose fitting green and white checkered pyjama pants and loose white shirt.

"Her parents said it was something about an emotional trauma but she seemed alright to me. I just wish I could study her more. You know like when she isn't aware that I'm doing that" She stressed and I sipped my coffee.

"If you want I can do the job for you Limario" I said as I placed my cup on a coaster.

"You mean it Chu?!" She lunged at me and tackled me in a hug, almost breaking the chair.

"Sure. Anything for my Limario" I ruffled her hair and she bit my neck playfully.

"Oh no I'm a vampire!" I cried playfully and played dead.

"Oh yeah you are!" She giggled and dragged me by my feet.


Her phone sounded and she let go of me carefully.

"Is it your client?" I got up and fixed my hair.

"Yeah. She just wanted to wish me a good morning"

"Aww, that's nice of her. Hey, what's her name?"

"Jennie Kim. You like her?" She wiggled her brows and I rolled my eyes.

"No. I just wanna do a background check on the girl not date her. I don't even think she's my type" I fixed my hair and went to the living room to get my customised laptop.

"Aww, is Chu angry?"

"No" I said and sipped my coffee as I looked her up in South Korea's database.

"Here she is. She's loaded" I handed her the laptop.

"She is" She shrugged. Almost all of Lisa's patients are 'loaded'.

"So, when next are you meeting her?"

"When she's back from school. Speaking of which, how are we gonna get you into her school?"

"I have my ways Manoban. You just sit back, and, chill. I got this" I assured her and she smiled.

"This is so nice of you. Anything I can do for you?"



"I needed more space to stretch my legs anyway, you're welcome" I stretched my legs peacefully after kicking the monkey off the couch.


Oh Buddha, who knew that chicken could kick so hard?

Now I look like an old lady with a missing hip.

"Hey Lisa what's wrong?" Taehyung asked me when I got to the Kims' residence.

"My friend kicked me off the couch, ow" I held my hip and limped into their house.

"You can skip your session today with Jennie so you can rest, you know?"

"No, I always put my patients first" I told him and got seated on the couch but an involuntary groan followed.

"That looks bad. Can I get you something?"

"No, thanks Taehyung. When is Jennie coming back?"

"Any moment from now. I'll call her--"

"No, let her be. I don't want to disturb her" I told him and he nodded.

"Okay. I'll get you something to eat because I have to go school for practice" He smiled.

"Hanlim right?" I saw him wearing a letter jacket the other day.

"Yes" He gave me a boxy smile and left.


I was supposed to come home by 3PM but Chaeng insisted that I should go shopping with her and we also went on an eating spree so I ended up getting dropped at home by her at around 5:55pm.

I went up the stairs but walked in reverse mode again.

Something-- no, someone, was on the couch.

I went to the kitchen and grabbed a rolling pin for protection just in case it was an uninvited guest.

I pushed the door wide open just in case I needed to make a run for it.

Then I poked the person with the pin repeatedly and they stirred.


How do they know my name?

"I was waiting for y--"

"Oh no you weren't!"


"...for you..." The person fell off the couch and I gasped.

"Lisa...! Oh no... I knocked out my own therapist" I clasped my hand over my mouth and swallowed nervously.

When it involves someone as important as Lisa, this could be a crime...

What have you done Jennie Kim?

So, those of us thinking about sneaking up on blackpink should know they have no chance since Jennie has knocked Lisa out with a rolling pin 😂

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