12- Break Down

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There won't be anymore major changes


It's been twenty six minutes and they're still bickering.

"Oh please, you dont look half as good as me" Tzuyu whipped her hair.

"That's true. I wouldn't wanna look like a pooch" Jennie retorted in her face and Tzuyu gasped.

"LISA!" She demanded angrily, stomping her foot and I sighed.

"Just you wait, I'm calling Chaeng" Jennie said urgently and dialed Rosé's number.

"Code green" She said immediately and ended the call.

Hell's coming.

Tzuyu seemed interested to see who Chaeng was.

It wasn't even up to ten minutes and she arrived.

"Where is she?" Was the first thing she said and Artie pointed at Tzuyu.

"Oh. So you called your big sister on me-- eep!" Tzuyu jumped when Rosé grabbed her arm.

"No one messes with Jennie Kim, got that?"

There was that intense staring that lasted for about half a second.

"And who are you to decide what I do?..."

"Well that was fast" Artie shrugged.

Rosé reached her hand up to Tzuyu's neck and touched a nerve there and she fell into her arms.

"What did you do?" I stood up.

"Relax. Your chick's okay. Just a little massage move" She said flatly and I nodded.

"And you.." Jennie walked up to me.

"I asked you if you had a girlfriend but you told me you didn't have one!"

"What? So you cheated on your chick?" Rosé asked me and I raised a brow.

"I'm sorry, cheat?" I faced her now.

"Yeah, I mean Jennie said you guys had a bio class together" She explained and my eyes were oddly glued to her cheeks.

What did these two do to my body when I passed out?

"Whatever. I'm not cheating on anyone. Tzuyu is just a friend" I shook my head and took Tzuyu from Rosé and carried her bridal style.

I could feel Jennie's intense glare and I looked down nervously before going out of the room.


I don't know what's wrong with Jennie..

Water's coming out of her eyes and it's making me worried.

"Jen," I cupped her cheeks as she laid her head against the headboard of her bed.

"Please stop crying.. you're making me sad too" I wiped her tears and she hugged me softly.

"C-chaeng..!" Her voice cracked and my hand cupped the back of her head.

"Shh.. don't cry, I'm here for you Nini" I rubbed her back and she sniffled, pulling me closer.

I've never seen Jennie cry. Not ever since her parents missed her graduation. And it wasn't as serious as this.

Her tears are smeared across her face and her eyes are red.

"Chaeng, I.. wanna sleep. You won't go.. r-right?" She croaked and I rubbed her back.

"Of course, I'll stay with you" I told her and she sniffled.

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