7- She Got Rejected

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She dropped the cheesecake-- sorry I had to!


I was almost in the principal's office when someone stopped me.

"Excuse me Miss" Oh, look, it's the girl from earlier.

"Can I help you?" I faced her.

"In many ways. You look familiar though"


"Really? Do I look like someone you know?"

"Yeah. You look like my next girlfriend, girl"  She threw me a sexy smile and I blinked uninterestedly.

"That's cute, but I'm your new teacher" I said as a matter of factly.

"That makes it better"

Honestly, I could see the way her smile fell but she covered it quick enough.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested. See you later" I said and went into the office.


"Chaeng, are you okay?" I asked Rosé as she stood shell shocked even after I pulled her away from the principal's office.

"She rejected me... I'M PARK CHAEBITCH!" She exclaimed hysterically.

"Is that new?" I asked her, munching on a cookie. This is so good!

"She rejected me! That's never happened! How could she?!" She faced me now.

"Well, you're just 19 and she's probably Lisa's age so, she's way out of your league"

"My league is pretty wide!"

"We know" Some popular girls walked by and waved at Chaeng.

"Hey Somi" She waved back and they giggled.

"Well atleast you have the other girls, right?" The slut asked curiously and Rosé eyed her like a perv then smiled.

"Sure, and the girls got me" She bit her bottom lip and picked the slut up in her arms.

She wasn't expecting it so she yelped.

"I really wanna smack you in the head Chaebitch" I shook my head.

"Sorry Jennie, but you can't join us, you're too young" She stuck her tongue out at me and I was boiling with rage.

This bitch is supposed to be in English and Literature with me, WITH OUR BORING TEACHER!

If I could, I'd cut her fingers off. Maybe that would knock some sense into her.

I sighed and made my way to class.

"Woah!" I gasped when I bumped into someone and I grabbed her shoulders.

"Walk carefully, you're not dead" She said quietly and helped me stand straight.

"Sorry. I had something on my mind" I apologised and she nodded. "Wait, are you the new teach?" I pointed at her.

"Yes, I am" She confirmed and from the way she spoke and behaved, I was slightly reminded of Lisa.

"Oh, what subjects are you going to be teaching?" I asked her and we started walking.

"English and Literature" She answered and I gasped.

"What's wrong?" She looked genuinely concerned.

This is what you get for leaving me for a slut Chaebitch.

"Nothing. Uhm what's your name?" I quickly changed the topic.

"Jisoo, Kim Jisoo" She said and I jumped excitedly.

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