5- La La Lalisa Land

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I'm currently dragging Lisa up the stairs to my room and it's getting uncomfortable.

Her head keeps banging against my boobs and I'm sure I'll have a heart attack soon because it hurts.

Thank God Chaeng isn't here--

"WAIT! CHAENG!" I let go of Lisa's arms and her head hit the floor like a bowling ball as I ran down the stairs and grabbed my phone.

I took a freaking long and deep breath as soon as she answered.

"GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE CHAE FUCKING BITCH PARK!" I screamed into the phone and hung up.

I hope her ear bled.

A creepy smile appeared on my face and I looked at Lisa.

Am I going crazy?

-over you? Sorry, couldn't help it.

Why not? My therapist is knocked out and lying on the floor looking lifeless like a newly formed dead body!

I sighed and grabbed a bowl of chips and one of dips then sat next to Lisa on the stairs.

"I didn't mean to knock you out, you know? You're a really nice person, and you waited for me..... GAHHH! I'm not good at this shit!"  I looked down at her.

"Just wake up and let's fight again Lisa Grande... please.. I miss your silly antics.." I cried and laid my head in the crook of her neck.

She smells so nice...

I hugged her a little and I could hear her soothing heartbeat.

It's cute.

The door suddenly flew open and I jumped off Lisa to see a panting Chaebitch at the door, phone tightly clutched in her hand and her legs were thrown to either sides of the door.

She looked ready to kill.

"Close your legs bitch" I mumbled even though she was wearing jeans.

From her hair and shirt, she must have been with a slut.

"It better be important, you little brat!" She mumbled and walked up to me.

"Help me carry Lisa"


"Her head keeps bumping into my chest" I said and she smirked.

"Okay" I was surprised there was no dirty reply but I just shrugged.

We lifted Lisa up and Chaeng held her legs while I held under her arms.


Now Lisa's head was banging into my vagina when it clearly wasn't needed there.

I walked faster and looked funny as I tried to avoid Lisa's head.

Finally, we got her to my room and laid her on the bed. Then I pounced on Rosé and nearly killed her with my biggest pillow.

She was nearly suffocated before I took the pillow off and hit her with it.

"Bitch..." I mumbled and looked at Lisa.

"What about her?"

"I hit her with a rolling pin" I looked at Chaeng and her face was red.

"Laugh and I'll shove an avocado down your throat"

She looked really stupid trying to hold in that laugh right now.

"What am I gonna do with you Lili?" I sat down next to her and pushed back her bangs that never seem to move.

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