9- Blacked Out Like Nightlight

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Is this what furniture feels like?

It sucks. Alot.

Which reminds me.

"Get off me Lisa! Bish you're killing me!!!"

"Oh my, sorry" She got off me and held her hand out to me.

I groaned and accepted it but she surprising draped her arm around my waist.

"What?" I snapped.

"Therapy. Let's talk Jennie, please?" She asked softly and stared into my eyes.

"But Lisa.. I don't think there's something wrong with me, as far as I know myself" I told her and she looked down.

"Jennie, a therapy can be conducted whether or not the person is sick. Sometimes people get therapies to take something off their minds or.. be happy" She told me and I sighed.

"Do you promise you won't treat me as another subject, like your other patients?"

"I promise. You'll be special" She said sincerely.

"Pinky promise" I held out my pinky finger.

"Pinky promise" She held hers out and we intertwined both pinkies.

Then I kissed the connection.

"Your turn" I said and she looked baffled but did it anyway.

"Are we good now?"

"Yes, we're good Lisa Grande," I said and she smiled brightly.


"Do you recall any incidents that you can't stop thinking about?"

"No, not any. But I think I'm obsessed with milk ice cream"

"Ok. That's cool, but not important here" I said and she pouted. "Any traumas from childhood?"

"No. My parents were there for me a lot back then" She smiled.

"After that?"

"They seemed to have stopped caring and they involved nannies. We barely saw them after my 11th birthday" She said and I wrote something down.

"Hey, you promised" She asked and took the clipboard away from me.

"Sorry. Any major incidents that had a big effect on you?" I touched my forehead through my bangs.

"Uhh... I think that was when my parents missed my graduation ceremony back in high school" She told me.

"So did it make you feel, depressed? Maybe infuriated?"

"No. I was just upset. I doubted if I was really important to them but I've gotten over it. Thanks to Taehyung and Rosé" She rolled her eyes and I took my glasses off.

"Hard, huh?" She squinted her eyes and I nodded, running my hand through my hair.

"I thought it'd be easier but.. you seem okay" I said and she stood up and sat next to me.

"Lisa yah?" She called me, concern laced in her voice.

"Yes, Jennie?"

"I told you so" She tapped my cheek and started a victory dance.

"Oh, so that's how it is?" I asked quietly and she continued dancing.

"I told you I'm Jennie Kim" She said happily and I smiled.

At least she's happy, even if it's at my defeat.

"You did" I said and she stopped dancing when her phone rang.

"Yeah bitch?"

Colourful language...

"No, I'm with Lisa... no you can't! Shouldn't you be with a slut?... Ha! Serves you right!... Actually, come over so I can finally kill your insatiable gay ass!" Then she hung up.

"Sorry about that Lis. Rosie's coming over. My brother can't come home tonight" She explained and I nodded.

Isn't Rosie the girl that can't keep her hands to herself?


"Rosé Park is in the crib bitches!"

"Shut up bitch" Jennie rolled her eyes and just then, Jisoo called me.

"Hey Chu"

"Hey Lis, are you staying with Jennie again?"

"Uhh, I'm not too sure but I think I'll come home..."

"Please stay?" Jennie held my hand and pouted. "Pweedy pwease, unnie?" She made her eyes go big and her bottom lip quivered.

"tomorrow, in the morning" I changed my sentence in time and she smiled up at me.

"Okay then, take care of yourself, Monkey Lis"

"I will, thank you" I replied and she hung up.

"Yay!" Jennie jumped on me and hugged me.

"I'm here you know?" Rosé cleared her throat and I noticed she was eating pastries.

"Aw" She cooed when the cream spilt on her shirt a little.

"It's hard to believe that you... you know what other girls.. so many times" Jennie shook her head and Rosé licked her now honey painted lips.

"Don't worry, we'll fuck when you're older" She bit into her snack and I pretended I didn't hear that but ended up holding Jennie back from pouncing on her.

"Or we could do it right now" Rosé shrugged and I was having a hard time holding Jennie back.

I can't risk her sitting in my lap. So I let her go and she ran after Rosé.

I just watched them run around the living room like Tom and Jerry. Until Jennie grabbed the rolling pin.

"No, Jennie" I stood up and blocked her way. "You'll kill her"

"Yeah, so what? Didn't you hear what she said to me?"

"I did and I think she's just joking" I said and Rosie hid behind me.

"I know right?" She scoffed and Jennie looked like a feline overlord bent on getting the last box of kitty treats.

Then she tossed the rolling pin up and down and aimed...


"Run, run Lisa, RUN!!"

"Too late" And she aimed.



Jennie is seated on the couch, a cup of hot cocoa in one hand and the remote control in the other, chillin' and enjoying her life.

"Ahh, this is nice" She sighed and looked to her left.

Lisa was on one of the other couches, fast asleep with her hands on her stomach and Rosé?

Well, she's under Jennie's feet. She's Jennie's new table.

"We should do this more often, right guys?" Then she glanced at each one of them.

"Oh, you're knocked out, by me. Hahaha!" She laughed a hearty laugh and changed the TV to Netflix mode so she could watch 'Light Up The Sky'.

A/N: Uhm Jennie, I'm right here too.. okay?

"This is great" She stretched and put the blanket over herself.

"Really great" She hugged her arms and watched her queens with her popcorn by her side.

Isn't that what we all want?

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