10- Jennie GaGa

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"We missed the show?!" I groaned and pressed the ice pack to my head.

"Yeah. You deserved too" Jennie sipped her hot cocoa and I sighed.

"How do you deal with her?" I asked Lisa who seemed to be reading something on her phone.

"What's wrong with her?"

"Exactly" Jennie pointed out and I blinked at Lisa.

"You're insane" I said and I stood up so I wouldn't be beside her anymore.

"Well, I have to be insane to stay sane"


I looked back at the seemingly calm girl and my eye twitched.

"Still wanna bang this one, Rosie Posie, huh, huh, huh?" Jennie whispered repeatedly in my ear and my eye twitched again.

"Shut up Kim" I pushed her onto the couch and made by way to the kitchen.

I'm hungry. Very hungry.


It was time for us to sleep and Jennie took me to the guest room.

"Thanks for staying with me Lisa Grande" She said and I smiled.

"It's okay Jen. What are friends for?"

"We're friends?"

That's what I want.

"Can we?"

"Uhm, sure. I do need a friend that's not a perv. You're not a perv, right?"

"Not at all" I replied and she smiled.

"Thanks for tolerating my outbursts. I know I'm a spoilt brat.. but you somehow endure it. Just what are you made of, Lisa Grande?"

I chuckled at the name she used.

This is really gonna stick huh?

"I'm made of bones for one" I shrugged and she face palmed.

"Did you have to ruin the moment?"

"Beats me" I shrugged and her eye twitched.

"Well. Goodnight Nini"


"Jennie. I say Nini now" I said briefly and got under the covers.

It's cold in this house.

"Goodnight Lisa Grande"


I woke up with a yawn and I covered my mouth only to find Jennie staring at me.

Apparently she had her leg around my torso and was holding my hand.

"It appears you slept here last night"

"It appears you just woke up" I stared back at her with hooded eyes.

"You know, you sleep like such a baby" She started.

"No I do not" I disagreed and her phone was pushed in front of my face, showing me a picture of myself sleeping just this morning.

I tried get up but she adjusted her leg on my torso.


Fuck! I woke up with a hard-on! Shit! Fuck fuck fuck! Gah!

"And what, if I may ask, is this?" Jesus Christ save me.

She placed her hand directly on my buddy.

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