21- Miss Little Toes' Christmas Kiss

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"I'll keep on loving you, forever"

I grasped her hands and held them tightly.

"You... still love me?" She asked breathlessly and I nodded.

"Yeah.. I do. I still do" I spoke softly and moved my hands to her cheeks, stroking them.

"But I left you for three years... I.. I-- mmph..." Her voice melted away as I slammed my lips onto hers, pulling her head down and I sighed when her hands found my waist.

Our kiss had just ended when Noah cleared his throat.

"I'm sorry I left you Nini. Please give me one more chance, I promise I'll cherish you and make you happier, than the moon and sun's shine. I promise Nini. Just trust me" She joined our foreheads together and stroked my cheeks.

I hummed and leaned into her touch. "Hm, I trust you. You aren't leaving me again right?" I whispered.

"Not at all" She vowed and I smiled.

Then i heard a sniffle.

"You guys remind me of myself and my sweetheart, Artie" Noah took a deep breath and i rolled my eyes.

"Come on, lets go back home Nini" She whispered passionately and I smiled.

Its Christmas tomorrow anyway.

"J-jen? Our deal, the meeting? Jennie?" Noah called behind us like a lost chick.

"Go have a merry Christmas with Artie bae" I waved at him and he gasped.



"Hey!" The airport officer screeched as soon as he saw me exiting the plane with Jennie.
We're already back in Korea.

"Not this again" I shook my head, holding Jennie's hand tightly.

As if that wasn't enough, the large man spotted me, and to add to it, he was wearing MY belt!

"What's wrong?" Jennie asked me.

I could hear the large man growling from a distance away.

All I was smile. A big ass smile.

"Babe, run"


"And stay out of Fluffy Town Airlines!" The bald man yelled as I was thrown out by the angry large man.

"You're banned!" He roared.

As I lay there on the floor, feeling like I was John Cena's punching bag, Jennie strolled to me and gave me a hand.

"Why didn't you get thrown out? Not that I want that" I groaned and she slung my arm around her small shoulders.

"I'm Jennie Kim. I don't get thrown out of airports" She informed and I realised I was limping.

I did steal somebody's ID and wig to fly to Los Angeles to see Jennie.

About that...

I took out the ID from my pocket and threw it to the airport's entrance.

I hope the owner finds it.

"Did they really hurt you that much?" Jennie asked me and I looked down before nodding.

"I kinda do deserve it--"

"Shh" She placed a hand to my lips. "You only did it for me. And I appreciate that. So much.." She cupped my cheeks and I smiled.

She really has a way with her words.

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