11- Lisa Wars

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Jennie called me to pick her up at school. She said her brother was busy and she had no bodyguards to pick her up so I had to come.

"Hi Oppa" She cooed.

"Hi, Jennie" I cleared my throat and sensed her looking at me.

"So do you have a girlfriend?" She drew imaginary lines on my thigh.

"Not really. I'm hoping you have a boyfriend" I sat up so she would stop but she didn't.

"Oh no. I've never had a boyfriend. Rosé scares all the guys away" She continued and I made a turn.


"You haven't really answered me. Are you dating someone?"

"No. Not anytime soon" I replied.

"And why is that?" She grabbed my free hand.

"I don't have time for women"

"But you have time for me" She pointed out and I took my hand back.

"I don't date my patients, Jennie" I told her and she sighed.

"Make an exception for me then" She whined and I sighed.



"Pretty please?"

"No Jennie" I said sternly.

"Oh well. Let's make a stop at the mall" She shrugged.

"Rosé took you there last week"

"I'm over those clothes already. I need Chanel baby" She pushed her shades down dramatically and I nodded.

We got to the mall and she hooked our arms together.

"Hold this" She threw a shirt at me and I barely caught it when she threw another.

"Hmm, this would look fabulous on me, but it's too big.. these would go with the shoes, aha I need a purse for this.. and those jeans are to die for" What is she saying?

"Oh Jennie," A woman, I mean a man, spotted Jennie and cat walked to us.

"Oh Artie babe" She hugged him and they shared a cheek kiss.

"We've missed you at the store, I hope you're doing great?" He waved his hands.

She was here last week...

"Fabulous Artie. And I am loving the Dior, you could use some red flats" She whispered the last part.

"Oh yes, you're still number one Jen Jen" He squealed and I felt non existent.

"And who is this yummy daddy of yours?" I just stared at him blankly.

"Oh her? This is Lisa. The..." And she whispered silently in his ear.

"My! You have made an absolutely flawless choice. Is she...? I can tell from the..." How can they whisper like that.

"Yes she is"

"Come with me, I shall lead you to the special room" Artie said and cat walked with Jennie following him, arms all hooked together.

I just followed them, being their luggage person.

"Lisa?" Artie called me. "Jennie wants you to try this" He threw a grey turtleneck at me.

"It's from Chanel" He added and I gave him my lifeless smile.

He flinched and backed away.

"I'll get some refreshments..." He excused himself and left.

I dropped the clothes, more like laundry, on the sofa and Jennie took off her shirt.

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