3- Arianna Grande's Sister

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"Yes, I'll be able to make it. Don't worry... yes, I'll be on my way. No problem"

Julian Kim just called me and said it was an emergency and that I needed to come to his house immediately.

So I'm going there now.

I hope I can help them.


I got to the Kims' residence in twenty minutes and after stating my business to the guards, they let me in.

I was led into the house by a buff guy and he bowed and left when we reached the living room.

I looked around and heard a girl scream.

Then Mr and Mrs Kim walked down the stairs urgently.


I was taken aback by the outburst but they looked pretty calm.

"Hi. I'm Lisa Manoban" I shook their hands but they looked eager to leave.

"Nice to meet you Lisa. We have to leave for France right now. Will you please take care of Jennie?" Julian asked me.

"What's her problem?" I asked him.

"You're a therapist, isn't that your job?" Dara asked me and I blinked.

"It should be something about an emotional trauma-- look just try your best to cure her by the time we come back. But we know it might take longer than that since she's quiet a bit of a tough case. Goodluck!" Julian said and they were out the door in a flash.

"Wait-- they're gone" I sighed and looked down.

I heard the girl sobbing upstairs and I rushed up to meet her.

I opened the door carefully and closed it when I got in.

I stood at the doorway, looking at her.

She was seated on the floor, her back against her bed as she cried silently.

I walked to her and knelt down beside her.

She noticed me, but she just didn't want to acknowledge me.

I held her chin to make her face me but she pushed me down forcefully.

I tried again and this time, she looked straight into my eyes.

"What's wrong? You look upset"

"What else do I look like, you dumbass! Get out of my room!" She vented her frustration out on me and I knelt down in front of her again.

"I'm a dumbass?" I asked her with my most pitiable expression, pointing at myself.

"Yes, you are. And your tie is stupid" She frowned and I looked down at my tie.

"For reals? I think it's pretty hot, girlfriend" I clasped my hands together and she looked confused.

"What the..?"

"It's a Gucci tie sweetie. Wanna see it?" I asked her and took it off despite the way she nodded no.

"Here, look at it. It's the latest design..." I showed her the stitches and watched as she examined it.

"I guess it is" She said and looked at me.

"Who are you even?"

"Ariana Grande's little sister" I said seriously and she rolled her eyes then slapped me with my own tie.

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