20- When Men Fall, I'll Step Away

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My new year gift to you.


I was comfortably seated in my seat when a not so discreet shuffling sound caught my attention, just when the plane was about to take off.

I looked back and one of my bodyguards was yanked back.

I raised a brow and almost stood up but a figure hurried into the seat next to me and started breathing heavily.

Today, I am not at all surprised to see that.

"Oh my God.." She panted heavily and I could see a shiny bead of sweat trickling down her forehead.

"I see you followed me," I announced with a lack of interest but someone tapped her shoulder.

"Excuse me ma'am, I have to see your ticket" She looked really worried while she looked up at the guard curiously.

"I have... a ticket. This one" She showed him a ticket and he looked at it briefly.

"That ticket is spent, Dr Manoban" He said quiet uninterestedly and Lisa stood up.

"Are you sure? Look at the date right here" She pointed at the ticket but the officer ignored it.

"I'm afraid I have to escort you out, Dr Manoban" He tried to hold Lisa's arm but she yanked it out of his grip and... punched him.

"Heol! How dare you?!"

Lisa freaked out and ran further into the plane with the officer hot on her heels.

I think they went into the cockpit, because the pilots fled out of there. And I heard strange sounds. Specific strange sounds.

In a couple of minutes, the officer dragged Lisa, who had a bruised cheek, out of the cockpit and she hissed in pain.

"And just to be clear, you're banned from Fluffy Town Airlines"

"You act like I want to be seen in this unfortunately named airport" Lisa retorted and stomped her foot on the ground as she exchanged glares with the bald man.

I cleared my throat and she looked at me. "You won't say anything?" She asked and I lowered my shades.

"Do I know you?" I raised a brow and officer pushed her forward on purpose.

"Move it barbie"

"Wait, no. Jennie! JENNIE! I'll come back for you my love! Save my teddy!!" She called as she was escorted out by the guard and I rolled my eyes but I spotted a tiny, like teeny weeny teddy bear that could fit in my whole palm.

I picked it up from the seat and looked at it.

Nini, was engraved on the heart on it's chest.

"You still didn't forget..." I smiled and kissed the toy's head.


I'm on my way to my scheduled meeting that brought me to LA, two men and two women on both sides of me.

We walked briskly to the place, and I realised my client was late.

How incompetent.

I wonder where he is.

Oh, there they are.

"Ms Jennie Kim, how nice is it to meet you. My vehicle was faulty, my sincere apologies" He reached out for a handshake and I raised a brow in question.

"Sorry, let's start the meeting shall we?" He retracted his hand and I nodded.

We were just heading to the private lounge area when we heard thundering footsteps and I turned back just when a seat was pulled back for me.

What on Earth could it be now?

"Jennie! Wait!"

Oh, that jerk.


I pushed the guy who was mopping the floors and kicked the bucket so the soapy water spilled on the floor and they tripped.

I barged into the meeting area and paused to pant. "... hey" I breathed and they all stared at me like I was the latest lunatic in town.

"Lisa? What are you doing here?" Jennie asked me and I straightened up.

"I'm here, because--" I moved out of the way when a guy slipped on the floor behind me.

Another jumped in my direction but I dodged.

"I'm here because, I want to tell you alot of things Jennie" I began, walking closer to her but her guards charged at me and I jumped onto a table.

"Like what?" She scoffed.

"You know her?" The man in a fitting grey suit asked.

"I love her" Lisa informed him only to duck, causing a bodyguard to land his head into a flower pot.

Jennie's heart fluttered, but she didnt show it.

"What?" Noah gasped, glancing at Jennie and Lisa panted.

"Even after three years, you still light up my world Jennie Kim. And I still remember the first time I saw you, in a Japanese kimono, and you almost had us both killed.." She tilted her head and Jennie rolled her eyes, but she still remembers.

"But the thing is, I'd be willing to die for you Jennie, for all it's worth" Lisa spoke passionately and pushed a guard down by his face.

Then she proceeded to grabbed his ankles and dragged him out, then shut the door.

By then, Jennie's heart has softened a little.

"I'm sorry I left you all alone with saying anything" She walked up to her and grabbed her small hands.

"Forgive me?" She smiled hopefully but Jennie's hands slipped out of hers and a little gasp escaped her lips.

"Absolutely not," She said, as a smile spread across her pinkish lips.

"I'll keep on loving you, forever"


Finally! After 44444354334 years we're back! Thank you for sticking around for nearly half a year guys, borahae!

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