19- Lisa And The Large Man

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typicalhooman Happy birthday! Sorry it's late :(


Her eyes were hidden behind black and unrevealing shades.

There was absolute silence as soon as the business mogul stepped foot into the building. Everyone stood up to offer their greetings but as usual, they were ignored.

She walked straight to the elevator with her bodyguards following closely behind.

They stood on either side of her and held their breaths so she wouldn't lack air.

By the time the elevator dinged and the door slid apart, one of the men had fainted. She simply walked over him and held her head high. She didn't care. At least she no longer did.

Another chilling silence set in once she entered the conference room. All heads were bowed in respect and a seat was pulled out for her.

Only after she got seated could any of them do the same.

"You may now speak" She said coldy and they all nodded.

She listened to all, well almost all they had to say.

"I've heard enough" She stood up, a stoic look on her face.

"But we still have twenty five minutes left" Someone was bold enough to say.

"Get me his resignation letter" She snapped her fingers at one of her men and walked out.

It was simple as that.

She could make big things happen with just a snap of her fingers.

But she wasn't always like this. She was broken a long time ago and now she's trying to push away the pain, by making others nonexistent to her.

"Is my flight ready?"

"Yes Ms Kim"


Cameras clicked and paparazzi shuffled around to get a shot and talk with the renowned therapist but her guards weren't having any of it.

From a distance away, the business mogul approached with her head tilted down to avoid drawing attention, which was now stolen by the therapist and her friend.

"Ms Manoban, a shot please?"

The mogul walked with nonchalance, seemingly unaffected by the name. She didn't care anymore.

"Just one minute Dr L"

Oh yes, it could be some upcoming one.

Their paths crossed while trying to get to their different destinations, it was their hands that touched at first. Then they stopped.


The mogul made to walk away but the therapist was quick to hold her wrist.


She reacted with a very calm but cold demeanour.

"Do I know you?"


How can Jennie say something like this? I'm sure it's her and not a lookalike.

"What? It's me, Lisa, Lisa Grande" I told her as the bodyguards formed a barrier around us.

"That's ridiculous. I know no such person" She didn't even spare me a glance.

"But you--" She held her hand up and I stopped.

"I have a flight to catch" She snapped her fingers and my hand was detached from hers by a female bodyguard.

"But Jennie, wait!" I ran after her but a huge man stood in my way.

"You can't go further"

"You have to let me! She's my girlfriend" I tried to go past him but he simply lifted me off my feet and I threw them around as I gripped his hands.

Woah he's strong.

"You John Cena or somethin'?" I gasped

"Stay. Back" He snarled and let me down not so gracefully.

"Lisa, you have to let go of this. She's forgotten you" Irene told me and helped me up.

"No. It's all my fault and I'll fix it. I can't let her go like I did years ago" I dusted my clothes and the bodyguard eyed me meanly.

"Don't even--"

"I'm coming Jennie!"

He came at me and I ducked right under his legs and bolted into the airport.

I could see him chasing after me from the corner of my eye and I ran faster, thanking my 'long skinny legs' as Jisoo often described them.

"Hey you! Come back here!"

"Lisa be careful!" Irene hollered manaically. I thought she's a pacifist?

Why not pacify this large man with an award winning speech and save me??

Anyway, said man almost caught up to me and reached out but I stopped and ducked, causing him to topple over.

"I'll always remember you Limario One" I said as I unbuckled my belt and kissed it.

I inched closer to the groaning man and he growled at me, causing me to step away but I kicked him and proceeded to tie his feet up very tightly with the sturdy belt and made sure he couldn't escape.

"You'll pay for this!"

"I know, that's why I tied you up. Duh"

He twitched in an effort to get free and I took the hint and ran away.

I hope I can catch up to Jennie, and sneak into an airplane-- shit I don't even have my rich people briefcase!!


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