16- On The Ground

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You'll see why.


I couldn't sleep all night. I was thinking about Nini. And that's when Jisoo came back home, drunk.

"Has the sky always been filled with bulbs?" She slurred as she staggered into our home and I hurried to her. She was holding a bottle of soju.

"Unnie, what's wrong, why are you drinking?" I took the bottle away from her and held her in my arms.

"I love her... I need her Lali... I need Rosé.." She repeated and closed her eyes.

What happened between them?

Jisoo has never been drunk over a girl, not even her mistress.

"Jisoo? Jisoo?" I tapped her cheek but she had passed out.

I picked her up in my arms and took her to her room where I changed her clothes and tucked her in.

"Chipmunk... I'm sorry.. don't go, stay with me" She murmured, and started smiling.

The fuck?

Is she that into Chaeng?

I shrugged and went to my own room, starting to smile when I looked at Jennie's pictures on my phone.

I shrugged and went to my own room, starting to smile when I looked at Jennie's pictures on my phone

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I can't wait for tomorrow. If she accepts me, I promise to make her the happiest girl in the world and always hold her hand through everything. She's very precious to me and I dont want to lose her.

But if she doesn't like me, it's okay too.

I sighed and pulled my blanket over me, going to sleep. Jennie's thoughts was the last thing on my mind and I had a dream about her. A normal but happy dream. I was pushing her while she was on a swing. That actually happened before. But we were happy. And that's what counts.


"I told you these people were nuts! The day I ran away, I knew they were gonna something this stupid! And everyone thought I was nuts!" Jennie ranted and I just looked at her.

"Why are you so quiet? You're usually talking about how good you fucked a slut a while ago" She focused on me but I sighed.

"I didn't fuck anyone Jennie" I huffed and looked away.

"What? That's impossible, you're the King of laying sluts-- every five to six hours! Did you break your finger?" She whispered the last part and scurried to me on the couch.

"No.  I just don't feel like fucking anything that moves anymore. I'm done" I took my hand away from her.


"It's over. I'm quitting sex" I admitted pulled my knees to my chest but was suddenly met with a stinging sensation on my cheek and a maniacal looking cat.

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