18- Don't Go

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So apparently, my parents heard about the hospital incident. And Jisoo is officially banned from the hospital.

"Jennifer Ruby Jane, Roseanne Chaeyoung Park, how could you?" My mom marched up to us.

"I did nothing" Rosé raised her hands up in defense of herself and I rolled my eyes.

"You sent a nurse to the ER and nearly destroyed the hospital room" My Dad nearly lost it and ran his hands through his hair.

"We also destroyed their monitor" I whispered to Chaeng and she shrugged.

"Well guess what? You two are in a lot of trouble right after we ground you until you're twenty four!"

"What? Dad you can't do that" I stepped forward, leaving Chae behind to shudder.

"We can and we will, right Dara?"

"Of course Julian. I'm just glad the hospital agreed to keep the incident between us" Mum massaged her temples and sat down.

"Why?" I asked and she looked up. "Why are you always fighting to keep things like this away from people?" I asked both of them.

"Jennie, listen to your mother"

"And me? Do you two ever listen to me?"


"Tell me the last time you threw a birthday party for me, and attended it. Does anyone remember?" I asked but all I got was silence.

I was at the verge of tears by now, but I knew I had to speak up.

Mom couldn't even look at me and Dad looked like he was thinking about something.

"Jennie, you know everything we're doing is for you and your brother... we don't want you to have any problems in your life" Mum explained to me and I looked away.

"I know" I said barely above a whisper.

"Then why are you doing this?" Dad placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Because... I want you two, I need you. I'm unstable without you two here, yelling or scolding me like other parents do to their kids. I have freedom but I don't enjoy it, because I need the both of you by my side, telling me what's right, wrong.. or giving me rides to school"

Tears trickled down my face but I turned away so they couldn't see.

I felt cosy arms around my shoulders and I shuddered.


He wiped my tears away and stared into my eyes with his pain filled ones.

I didn't fight back when he pulled me into a hug and a whimper escaped my lips.

"We're sorry" I felt another pair of arms around me and I let the tears fall freely.

"We're sorry Jen. We've realised our mistakes now and we'll never leave you" My mom whispered against my ear and I sniffled.

"Starting from today, we'll cancel everything and give our all for you and your brother" My dad told me and I clutched his jacket tighter.

"Okay..." I listened to his heartbeat and closed my eyes.

"This is all thanks to Lisa" I heard mom say and my lips curled into a smile.


I was about to open my car when someone pushed it shut.

I looked to the side and saw her. She looked very happy. I guess it worked.

"J--" She jumped and hugged me tightly. I held onto her and her scent attacked my nose.

"I love you so much Lisa" She whispered in my ear and I closed my eyes.

"I love you too Jennie" I said from the very bottom of my heart and smiled.

I let her down gracefully, my hands still clinging to her waist.

"Thank you"

"For what?" I asked softly.

"Everything. For coming into my life, even though I technically snuk into yours" She began and I smiled. "But you stood by me through thick and thin. You stayed back when others might have fled and you brought out the happiness within me. You made me a happier person and you fixed my family" She raised her hand and cupped my cheek lovingly.

"You don't have to thank me Jennie. I do everything I do because I'm in love with you. No one else" I held her hand and pushed the back of her head so our foreheads touched.

"Do you love me that much?"

"Of course. Don't you believe me?" I stroked her cheek and she smiled adorably.

"You are a therapist. You could just be playing with my mind" She spoke and I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear then cupped her cheek.

I leaned down closer to her face and kissed her carefully. She responded quick enough and grabbed my collar, almost pulling me down lower.

I pulled away after a moment and she looked up at me in a daze. "Why would I play with your mind when you already have me in your heart?" I smiled softly and she pressed her face against my chest. She's shy.

"You're so cheesy"

"And you love it" I wrapped my arms around her.

"You really are in my head" She mumbled against my chest.

"Do you mind though?"


"Lisa?" She called while I caressed her brown locks.

"Yes Nini?"

"Will you always be there with me? Even after college?" She asked innocently.

"I'll always love you"

"But I--"

"Shh. Let time be my promise to you" I cupped the back of her head as she looked up at me.

"But Lisa...."

"I'm a therapist. I'll always be needed in different places" I explained to her and her eyes glossed over. "But I'll always be connected to you. I'll never stop loving you" I smiled as I assured her and she looked away from me.

"Hey, don't you trust me anymore Nini? I'll always be there, and in here" I pointed at her chest and she suddenly hugged me and started to cry.

I'm sorry Jennie, but I don't have the heart to tell you I'll be gone for three years. I.. just hope you won't forget me.

I love you Jennie.

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