6- She's A Real Therapist

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I woke up feeling weak and most likely thrashed. The last thing I remember was Jennie holding some stick.

"Jennie!" I shot up but my jaw dropped when I saw her changing shirts in front of me.

"Oh..." I blushed and looked away.

"You're awake!" She threw the shirt away and walked towards me.

Jesus christ... my virgin eyes...

"I was so worried you know?" She cupped my cheek so I could face her. I gulped and tried to focus on her eyes.

"Yeah... feels like someone thrashed me"

"Yeah.. wonder who that was" She flipped her hair and I gulped.

"Jennie? Aren't you gonna put on a shirt?" I managed to ask her.

"Oh that? Never mind. Chaeng would have loved to see but she's not here, thankfully"

"Who's Chaeng? The blondie?"

"Yes, her. Come with me. I'll make you dinner--"


"Yes. You were passed out for a while" She ran her hand through my hair and cupped my cheek.

"Oh" Was all I managed to say and she pulled me up.

I realised my shoes were off and it was just my socks that were on my feet.

Jennie must have done that

"I'm gonna make you something really good Lisa!" She gushed as she dragged me down the stairs.

Being taller, and bigger, I just followed behind her, trying to keep up with the pace.

She made me sit on the stool then she put on an apron and started cooking.

Gosh, she's so tempting...

I could feel my little friend going hard as I watched her and I had to tighten the gap between my legs.

"What's wrong Lisa? You look nervous" Jennie turned around and faced me.

"Nothing. I'll wait for you in the living room" I said in a normal tone, being a therapist helps.

"Okay. I'll finish up soon" She smiled and I nodded.

"Sure" I removed my phone from my pocket and sauntered to the living room.

I saw some missed calls from Jisoo so I called her back while I folded my sleeves.

"Lisa where were you? I was worried sick. Are you still at Jennie's place?"

"Yes. I passed out for some reason"

"What! Who hit you?!"

"I'm not sure, but I think it's Jennie" I whispered the last part. I'm not stupid. I know Jennie hit me with that rolling pin on the floor.

"What did you do? Don't tell me you--"

"I would never. Stop thinking nonsense"

"Okay. I just wanted to check on you and make sure you were alright"

"Anything else?"

"Yeah, I almost forgot. I got a job as a professor in Jennie's school" She told me and I stood up.

"Really? That's awesome! Thanks unnie, I owe you one"

"Nah, it's okay. Just buy me a--"

"Chicken? You got it" I said and she hung up.

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