chapter 1: wolf pup

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It had been spring hundreds of years ago, maybe even thousand. Everything came to a new live, the whole green forest flourished brightly once again. Thranduil had been out for a stroll through the forest, a little bit of calmness and peace before the new spring festivities. He had his bow and arrow as he was a trained warrior and a Prince. He could go were ever he wanted. Of course did he know that he was watched and followed on every step, but as long as they left him at peace, he didn't care that much.

It was in a small and secluded clearing that he had spotted her.

She wore a light blue dress, the wide sleeves pushed up to her elbows to reveal her pale arms and delicate hands. At first he had thought her one of the maiden she- elves or even a warrior. How very wrong he had been. She sat there, crouched down on the soft moss covered floor one hand stretched out, her gaze directed forward. He made two steps towards her and with a gentle move she held up her other hand. "Please, try to be quiet. Or you will scare him away." Prince Thranduil stopped in his tracks and looked down. She was still looking forward, hadn't even payed him a glance jet. But then he noticed the little creature approaching her with careful, hesitant tiny steps. Grey fur, pointy ears, a tiny bushy tail. A wolf cub. It was still tiny, probably just a few weeks old.

The little creature made a few more tiny steps and then reached her hand. It stood before her, hesitantly sniffing her fingertips. Thranduil watched the scene with a sceptically raised eyebrow.

"Be careful or it could hurt you." He said, he still can't remember why he had even spoken up in that moment. He could hear the smile in her voice as she replied quietly: "It's just a wolf, not a beast." The little pup sniffed a little more and then lunged forward, his tiny but sharp teeth cutting through the skin of her finger and drawing a little bit of blood. Thranduil flinched a bit as he heard her sharp intake of breath. Probably the pain he guessed. But she just held still and waited and soon after the little creature let go of her finger and begun to lick the tiny droplets of blood from her skin. And not a second later the baby wolf pressed his fluffy face into her palm and she scratched him behind the ear. He watched the scene for a few more moments, this trustfulness, this tender contact. Not only from the wolf cub but from her. Never had he seen two creatures interact like that. But then again, it was commonly known that elves didn't tend to show their affection through bodily contact and tenderness.

The moment was shattered as a low growl came from not far away. Immediately Thranduil had drawn an arrow and was just about to shoot as a hand laid itself onto his and pressed his arm together with the bow down. "Don't." She said, and they had watched how the wolf cub had jumped around and run to its mother, the wolf standing just at the edge of the clearing. She had let go of the little wolf and stood up to prevent him from making the cub an orphan.

She had looked up at him and smiled gently, one hand pushing the long honey golden hair behind a pointy ear, decorated with jewellery that embraced the outer shell of her ear in silver. "Not every creature is dangerous." She whispered as she made eye contact for the first time. The elleth smiled, before looking away at the trees surrounding them. They just walked and talked until it was time for him to go again. He could still remember how she had smiled and even laughed at the things he had said and how her hair smelled as the warm spring wind blew a few strands into his face.

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