chapter 41: funeral

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Celebrían remembered how happy Thranduil had been when her sister announced she was pregnant again. The two had struggled to conceive for so long after Legolas was born. She remembered how Elladan and Elrohir had told her that they hoped it was another boy for them to play with when they visited. And then, in the blink of an eye, all that joy was sadly taken away. And now here she was, in the middle of a kingdom stricken with grief, awaiting the funeral for her younger sister- her only sibling.

She hadn't seen Thranduil the entire time she had been here. Apparently-or at least, according to Galion, Thranduil's butler- the Elvenking had refused all visitors and did not what to be seen by anyone. And Legolas. Her heart broke for the little Ellon. Elladan and Elrohir had insisted that their room be right next to Legolas's so they could play, and they had told their mother that they had been woken up on multiple nights by Legolas's screams. They loved the little prince like cousins do..

And what of Legolas? Would he feel safe in Mirkwood when the funeral was over?

Celebrían knew for a fact that Thranduil would lay down his life for his son as she would do for her children. She also knew that Thranduil had a tendency to shut himself off whenever something awful happens. After 10 minutes of complete silence, Celebrían got up and said "The funeral is only in a few hours. We should go back and get ready." Her sons nodded and got up. And her ears were meant with a scream. The "Scream" they heard did not sound like a scream of fear. It actually sounded like a mix between a sob and a strangled cry. Celebrían recognised it. It was a scream of grief. And it sounded like Thranduil.

It was at that moment that Celebrían decided that she had had enough of standing around waiting. She was going to find her brother-in-law. A guard looked at her like she was crazy. "With due respect, your lady, you do know that Thranduil has refused all visitors and does not wish to be seen by anyone?" Celebrían kept moving. "Oh, to hell with that," she replied "He can't shut himself of just to suffer like this." There are many words you could use to describe the lady of Rivendell, but stubborn was one of the biggest ones. Once she had her mind on something, it was futile to talk her out of it. "Go back to the common room and tell everyone to get ready," Celebrían said to the guard, "I'll handle this." The guard nodded and hurried off to the room.

Celebrían turned on her heels and quickly walked towards where she thought the royal chambers were. She caught another passing guard on her way. "Excuse me, which way are Thranduil's chambers?"

"That way, your majesty," replied the startled guard "Across that bridge, up the stairs down the hallway to the left. But you are aware his majesty-" "I am well aware, good sir," Celebrían cut him off "But this is urgent. Thank you!" And ran to the bridge, leaving the startled guard in her wake, wondering what could possibly worry Celebrían Peredhel in such a way.


Somehow he had ended up in the royal gardens, yet he was completely indifferent to the flowers that surrounded him, as even they seemed less colourful. King Thranduil seemed completely indifferent to the rest of the world really. If someone had asked him whether it was night or day he would not have known the answer or maybe he would not even have noticed the person asking him. Then the sight of something suddenly stopped him. Prince Legolas stood in front of him, tears in his eyes. He came towards him and threw himself on the King. "Please, adar (father), do not leave me as well, do not fade!", he cried.

At that moment something in Thranduil's mind snapped. His son, the son she had given him, was suffering and he was doing nothing to help him. Legolas was still a child who was about to enter adolescence, he needed him, he needed his adar (father). How could he have ignored him when his child had just lost his emel (mother)? Was he such a bad adar (father)? He fell to his knees in front of Legolas, so as to decrease the difference in height and hugged him tightly while the small body was shaken by sobs and cried with him. "My little leaf, do not fear.", he only managed to whisper choked. When he released the embrace he leaned his forehead against his son's and closed his eyes. He did not know how, but somehow he would go on. He owed it to his Queen and the son that their love had created.

He was forced to go on so he returned to the funeral holding his only son's hand. 

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