chapter 17: giddy

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Legolas had been running around, uncontrollably excited the whole week. A week ago, his father had broken the news that his Uncle, Lord Elrond and his twin sons were coming to visit. It was the best news he had received in recent memory.

He didn't have many elflings his age to play with; most were either too boring to be fun or too scared of King Thranduil to involve Legolas in any of the real fun. Legolas had broken his arm while playing with his friends a year prior, and he and his friends received such a scolding from Thranduil, one that none of them would ever forget it as long as they lived. As a result, his only fun friends began avoiding him like humans avoided the plague. It made Idhrenel extremely upset.  Little Legolas had never met his cousins at this point, but their reputation preceded them. From what Legolas had heard, they were as mischievous as they were unabashed in their mischief. They sounded so fun. They were a few centuries older than him, but that wouldn't be a problem. 

 Legolas had already planned out all the dangerously fun places he would take them and all of the clever white lies he would tell his mother and father when they asked where they had gone that day. He tried to keep his excitement hidden from his father. If he showed too much excitement, Thranduil would know he was up to something. He had to be careful.  When a messenger interrupted his and Thranduil's dinner to announce that his Uncle Elrond and his retinue had entered the forest and would be arriving late the next day, Legolas couldn't contain himself anymore. "You seem very excited, tithen las," said Thranduil, suspicious of Legolas' unbridled enthusiasm, Idhrenel looked up from her book. "I'm just a little excited, Ada. I'm excited to meet Lord Elrond and his sons. They're our kin, are they not?" Legolas tried his best to sound nonchalant. The last thing he needed was for Thranduil to become suspicious and put his foot down before they even arrived. Idhrenel smiled, "He's my brother-in-law and from what I've heard he's very excited my meet you, my little leaf." His mother cooed as she squished his cheeks. Legolas smiled and then got all giddy.

Thranduil hoped that Legolas would befriend the twins and become a sort of surrogate brother to them, but that hope came with worry. If they did become fast friends, there was no telling what mischief the three of them would get into together. He knew the twins had a penchant for pranks and mischief, and he knew all too well Legolas' thrill-seeking ways. It was a potentially lethal combination. "Yes, you are right. They are our kin. Lord Elrond is a very old friend of mine and he was an even older friend of your mother's. Now, when they arrive I want you to help me show them around and make them feel welcome, but I don't want you getting into any danger with Elladan and Elrohir. I don't know what you're planning, but I already don't like it. You are not to pull off any dangerous stunts, Legolas. Am I making myself clear?" Legolas rolled his eyes. "I never get into danger, Ada!" Thranduil rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I need you to promise me, Legolas. Promise me that neither you nor Elladan and Elrohir will get into any danger while they're here. If you don't promise me, I will send them away as soon as they arrive!"

"Fine, Ada! I promise! I promise! Please don't send them away! I'm looking forward to meeting them!" he yelled frantically with tears welling in his eyes. "Ok, ionneg. (son)  Don't forget your promise, because I won't," he said as he ruffled Legolas' hair. Legolas continued eating his dinner while telling his mother about his day. Thranduil, on the other hand, remained concerned. Promise or no, Legolas was going to need extra supervision these days. He resolved to assign Legolas a guard first thing in the morning. He hoped that would be enough to deter the mischievous elflings.


Idhrenel watched her young son train with his father. Sweat dripped from his face and his braid was loose making hair fall into his face, her fingers itched to fix the mistake but kept it to herself. "Again! Try harder." Legolas tried desperately to keep up with his father but he was lacking in strength and could barely lift the sword. Tauriel giggled from beside Idhrenel as she played with the hem of her green dress which was embroidered with small mushrooms. Tauriel being a few centuries older than Legolas, always made sure that he didn't do anything stupid. Idhrenel stood there thinking about they had first met, on the archery field and how they had instantly clicked and became best friends. She looked back down and saw Legolas trip up on his own feet and face plant the floor. Tauriel instantly rushed over and held her hand out to help him up. 

"That's enough, Legolas go clean up and then we can paint." The boy nodded happily and ran towards his room still holding onto Tauriel's hand, Idhrenel smiled happily at her and turned to her husband. A disapproving look was on his handsome features and Idhrenel scowled. "He is still just a kid that barely can hold the sword. Let him be a child. Nya verno." He sighed knowing he couldn't win against her and was rewarded with kiss on the cheek. Somebody had to keep the boys in line, Idhrenel sighed.


A lone rider rode into the palace that afternoon with news. It wasn't bad news, just that Lord Elrond and his retinue had been delayed and would be arriving early the next day. Thranduil was concerned at the development, but the rider assured him no disaster had befallen them. Thranduil was relieved to know it wasn't serious and let the matter go. Legolas, however, was extremely disappointed. He spent the rest of the day sulking around, upset at the fact that they were going to lose out on a whole days' adventure and he would spend one more lonely day without friends. Idhrenel nearly cried when she heard her son say this.

Instead of the planned grand feast, Legolas and Idhrenel  had dinner in their private dining room by themselves, as usual, just the two of them since Thranduil was still working.  Idhrenel  immediately noticed Legolas' sour mood. "What's wrong, ionneg ?" (Son) "Nothing," answered Legolas in the most sullen tone Idhrenel had ever heard from him. "Are you upset that our visitors didn't arrive? It's ok, you can tell me," she said reassuringly. "Just a little bit, nana."

"And why is that? They're still going to be here tomorrow. They were just delayed a little."

Legolas ignored the question. Instead, he chose to continue staring at his dinner, moving it from one side of the plate to the other. Legolas wasn't only upset about the visitors' late arrival; he was just as upset that his mother didn't seem to understand him or how lonely he was without friends to play with. The twins arrival was his chance to finally have some fun again. He knew he shouldn't have been upset; after all, it was only one day more. But still, he couldn't help it.

Idhrenel hated to see her son so upset. She knew that being a prince or princess was a lonely life and that Legolas was just looking forward to someone who wasn't afraid to play with him. "What did you have planned for them? " She asked filling the silence. "Nothing."

"Come one, Legolas. I know you had something planned. Will you please tell me?" His mother pleaded and Legolas gave in. "I just wanted to go riding and show them the forest," said Legolas on the verge of tears. If there was one thing Idhrenel couldn't resist, it was Legolas' tears.

"I don't see why you have to cancel your plans. The messenger said that they're going to be here tomorrow. If they get here early enough, aren't too tired to go out, and are willing, you can take them out riding. But only on the condition that you be back in time for the feast." Legolas looked up at his mother with a huge smile on his face. All the excitement that had left him earlier came back tenfold. He was so excited that he completely forgot about his dinner; he was too busy remaking all his plans for tomorrow.

"Finish your dinner, Legolas. And remember your promise to your ada: nothing dangerous and be back on time." Legolas was so excited that he didn't listen to a single word his mother was saying. 

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